- 1.一闪一闪亮晶晶[英文版]
- 2.Aa字母歌
- 3.In the bedroom
- 4.Phonics Song
- 5.It’s noon!
- 6.(童声)铃儿响叮当英文版:jingle
- 7.学念英文字母
- 8.Hello Hello
- 9.幸福拍手歌(英文版):If you’
- 10.礼貌问候用语
- 11.A Tisket, A Tasket
- 12.FORZA GESU-加油耶稣
- 13.A Is For Apple
- 14.Follow Me:跟我来
- 15.我叫爸爸father
- 16.英语生日歌:Happy Birthday to y
- 17.just for you (童声)-好听 迪斯
- 18.粉红猪小妹歌曲:Bing Bong Song
- 19.水果食物名称
- 20.Goodbye Song
- 21.雪绒花(英文版)
- 22.数字从一到十
- 23.英语数字歌(12345)
- 24.英文版:生日歌
- 25.捉泥鳅(英文版)
- 26.Good Morning
- 27.你是我的阳光 You’re My Sunshi
- 28.英语念家庭成员称呼
- 29.新四季歌(特好听)
- 30.幸福拍手歌:If You’re Happy
- 31.韩国舞蹈儿歌:牛奶歌-七公主
- 32.早安歌 The Morning Song
- 33.圣诞祝福童声: When Christmas C
- 34.Ten Little Fingers 十个小手指
- 35.The Animal Sounds Song
- 36.If You’re Happy
- 37.Good morning,Sam
- 38.Bb字母歌
- 39.Wash Your Face
- 40.手指歌 Finger Song

- 41.最新英文字母歌(儿童版)abcdef
- 42.(特好听)08年德国圣诞儿歌:Schn
- 43.颜色歌 Colour Song
- 44.Hello,how are you
- 45.金宝贝英语宝贝1-1
- 46.Ten little indian boys (十个
- 47.野兽动物名称
- 48.一闪一闪小星星 Twinkle Twinkle
- 49.Walking Walking
- 50.英文十二个月名称
- 51.三只瞎老鼠 Three blind mice
- 52.日语版:幸福拍手歌
- 53.伦敦桥快要塌下来 London Bridge
- 54.BINGO (Learn It)
- 55.Clean Up
- 56.Santa Claus came to my house(
- 57.向上吧少年主题曲(Ready to go)
- 58.One Little Finger学唱
- 59.Make A Circle
- 60.Family Song-2
- 61.头与肩膀 膝盖与脚趾 Head And S
- 62.Ten Little Indians(原声)
- 63.数字歌
- 64.ABC Song
- 65.How are you? 你好吗
- 66.ABC
- 67.英文念文具用品
- 68.小鸟儿 Little Bird
- 69.Five Little Monkeys
- 70.朋友 Friends
- 71.德国儿歌Das kleine Krokodil—
- 72.英语念各种颜色
- 73.嘿!你好吗? Hello, How Do You
- 74.Good Night-念
- 75.Merrily We Roll Along
- 76.Goodbye to you:再见
- 77.Breakfast Time
- 78.Happy New Year
- 79.Good morning to you:早上好
- 80.蓝精灵之歌(英文版)

- 81.Old Macdonald had a Farm :老
- 82.rabbit rabbit carrot eater
- 83.A for apple b for boy:A是苹果
- 84.音阶歌 Do Re Mi
- 85.迪斯尼 Row row row your boat (
- 86.how are you
- 87.brown bear brown bear, what d
- 88.Rain Rain Go Away (学一遍)
- 89.London Bridge Is Falling Down
- 90.Apple round
- 91.Fishes fishes where are you:
- 92.铃儿响叮当jingle bells(英语儿
- 93.金宝贝英语宝贝2-2
- 94.Thanksgiving song(感恩节)
- 95.晴天 Sunny Day
- 96.The three little kittens:三只
- 97.I love my family 我爱我家
- 98.英语念一周星期名称
- 99.Go Away
- 100.red,yellow,blue and green
- 101.What’s Your Name
- 102.小毛驴 Donkey Donkey
- 103.You are My sunshine 迪斯尼儿歌
- 104.生日快乐 Happy Birthday
- 105.Apple tree
- 106.金宝贝英语宝贝1-2
- 107.Are You Hungry
- 108.Memory 钟辰乐
- 109.Five Little Ducks
- 110.How’s the weather?
- 111.Theme song
- 112.Cc字母歌
- 113.圣诞儿歌:Santa Claus is comin
- 114.Easter day(复活节)
- 115.Are you ready
- 116.(法国童星)小孩难当:Dur Dur
- 117.妈妈呀我要亲亲你(中英都有)
- 118.踩到猫了
- 119.Sook,pen,desk,chair
- 120.英语交通工具名称

- 121.Sing a song(唱唱唱首歌)
- 122.Hello,hello
- 123.In On Under
- 124.Good Night-唱
- 125.You Look Great
- 126.三只熊
- 127.Jingle Bells
- 128.how do you do 你好吗
- 129.学习英文动物名称
- 130.新年好(学唱英语)
- 131.Have a Good Day
- 132.天线宝宝_teletubbies title son
- 133.幸福拍手歌英文版:Put Your Fin
- 134.What Can You Do
- 135.Healthy Snacks
- 136.Hush Little Baby
- 137.The ABC Song-2
- 138.Bye Bye Goodbye
- 139.(法语)好听的儿歌
- 140.法语版:祝你生日快乐
- 141.The Wheels on the Bus唱
- 142.平安夜 Silent Night [twins]
- 143.小毛驴
- 144.玛莉有只小羔羊 Mary Had A Litt
- 145.hide and seek:捉迷藏
- 146.当我们同在一起The more we get
- 147.Halloween(万圣节)
- 148.C
- 149.职业名称
- 150.Muh Muh Muh(马里布的小奶牛)
- 151.身体部位名称
- 152.正确的方法 This Is The Way
- 153.Baa Baa Black Sheep黑绵羊
- 154.圣诞钟 Jingle Bells
- 155.我们的学校会亮起来Our school w
- 156.Five Little Pumpkins
- 157.大家一起跳 Everbody jump
- 158.红河谷 Red River Valley
- 159.Trick or Treat Halloween(不给
- 160.If you are happy

- 161.Jingle Bells(动物声)
- 162.迪斯尼 Twinkle, twinkle, littl
- 163.Color Words(颜色词)
- 164.男孩和女孩 Boy & Girl
- 165.Go for a Walk
- 166.my face
- 167.Five Little Ducks(五只小鸭)
- 168.当我还是一个小女孩 When I was
- 169.I want to fly(我要飞翔)
- 170.丸竹夷
- 171.Good morning
- 172.A Spoonful Of Sugar
- 173.Baby宝贝
- 174.Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
- 175.Happy New Year
- 176.If Youre Happy and You Know It
- 177.Up and down
- 178.日常用小短语
- 179.The rainbow song
- 180.What’s This
- 181.昆虫世界
- 182.Mothers Day Song(母亲节)
- 183.英文版:路灯下的小女孩
- 184.两只小眼睛 Two Little Eyes
- 185.I See Something Blue
- 186.幸せなら手をたたこう(幸福拍手
- 187.雅克兄弟(Frère Jaques)
- 188.Dd字母歌
- 189.好听韩国儿歌2
- 190.The Pinocchio
- 191.Sunday,Monday,Tuesday 星期天,
- 192.Playground Song
- 193.Sea Otter Won’t You Play With
- 194.The more we get together
- 195.I can wiggle(我能扭动)
- 196.Knock Knock Hello
- 197.Family Song
- 198.What are you Going To Do
- 199.Seven Steps
- 200.一条名叫Libus的拉丁狗
