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[00:00.00]UNIT FIVE      WHAT DOSE SHE DO?
[00:20.77]His father is an actor,My dad's a cleaner at the zoo.
[00:36.32]Her father is a doctor.What does your father do?
[00:42.98]His father goes to work by car,My dad goes to work by bus.
[00:49.54]Her father goes by bicycle. They work hard every day for us!
[01:35.08]singer        writer        TV reporter
[01:58.30]actor        actress       artist
[04:18.52]What doer your mother do? She is a TV reporter.
[06:37.58]Who is the beautiful woman? She is Wu Yifan's aunt!
[06:45.11]What does she do? She's an actress.
[06:51.66]Who is the man? He's Wu Yifan's uncle.
[06:58.32]What does he do? He's a writer.
[07:11.17]My father is a singer. My mother is one,too. I want to be a manager.
[07:25.72]What do you want to do? My uncle is an artist. My aunt is one,too.
[07:34.18]I want to be an accountant. What do you want to do?
[08:09.64]engineer       accountant      policeman
[08:28.68]salesperson     cleaner
[10:43.32]What does Mike's mother do? She is an accountant.
[11:00.06]Where does she work? She works in a car company.
[11:29.83]How does she go to work?
[13:56.28]Who works in a car factory? Wang Li,she is an engineer.
[14:03.73]Who helps a bank with their money? LiXiaobin,he is an accountant.
[14:14.06]How does LiXiaobin go to work? He goes to work by bus.
[14:22.20]What does Yuan Yuan do? She is a policewoman.
[15:04.90]woof         use         who         choose
[15:24.84]juice        wood         hook         childhood
[15:57.20]actor        actress       man         woman
[16:12.65]policeman      policewoman     salesman       saleswoman
[16:25.86]person        salesperson     mailperson
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