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[00:00.00]English in Action
[00:-1.00]Student's book 6
[00:-2.00]Unit one
[00:-3.00]A Birthday Party
[00:-4.00]Lesson one
[00:-7.00]May I take your order?
[00:16.00]hot dog
[00:18.00]mineral water
[00:19.00]A Rhyme
[00:20.00]Piggie and Biggie
[00:21.00]Little Piggei goes to the beach,Little Biggie stays at home.
[00:22.00]Little Piggie has roast beef,Little Biggie only has Coke.
[00:23.00]Little Piggie cries,"Wee,wee wee!"
[00:24.00]Hurrying all the way home.
[00:25.00]A Talk
[00:26.00]Read and act.
[00:27.00]Ben and Mum are at a restaurant after shopping.
[00:28.00]W:May I take your order,madam?
[00:29.00]M:Yes,I'd like two hamburgers,please.
[00:30.00]W:Anything to drink?
[00:31.00]B:Yes,a Coke,please.
[00:32.00]M:And a cup of tea,too.
[00:33.00]W:Is that all?
[00:35.00]M:Let's see what we've got for your birthday party.
[00:36.00]B:Headbands,paper plates,paper cups,some drinks and some candles,too.
[00:37.00]M:That's all,isn't it?
[00:38.00]B:But we miss one thing,Mum.
[00:39.00]M:Oh!We forgot the birthday cake!
[00:40.00]W:May I take your order,madam?
[00:41.00]M:Yes,I'd like two hamburgers,please.
[00:42.00]W:Anything to drink?
[00:43.00]B:Yes,a Coke, please.
[00:44.00]M:And a cup of tea,too.
[00:45.00]W:Is that all?
[00:47.00]M:Let's see what we've got for your birthday party.
[00:48.00]B:Headbands,paper plates,paper cups,some drinks and some candles,too.
[00:49.00]M:That's all,isn't it?
[00:50.00]B:But we miss one thing.Mum.
[00:51.00]M:Oh!We forgot the birthday cake!
[00:52.00]Tammy and Dommy
[00:53.00]Look,read and understand.
[00:54.00]T:Dommy,today is my birthday.
[00:55.00]D:Good!Be my guest.What would you like to have?
[00:56.00]T:Well...D:How about a birthday cake?
[00:57.00]T:Great!D:Happy birthday to you!
[00:58.00]T:Thank you.
[-1:-1.00]D:Are you OK,Tammy?
[-1:-2.00]T:I'm all right.Only I'm all wet now.
[-1:-3.00]D:But you did the most wonderful thing on your birthday.
[-1:-4.00]1.Listen to the dialogues and tick the food the children order.
[-1:-5.00]M:A:What would you like to have,David?
[-1:-6.00]B:I would like to have noodles,please.
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