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闽教版 五下15Unit7

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名称:闽教版 五下15Unit7
[00:01.00]Unit 7 Tall Buildings第七单元 高楼大厦
[00:05.21]Part A A部分
[00:07.18]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[00:16.84]Hello, Miss Gao.你好,高老师。
[00:19.04]Are you going home?你要回家吗?
[00:21.09]Yes, I am. Look. 是的。看。
[00:23.79]I live in that tall building.我住在那个高层建筑里。
[00:27.08]Which floor do you live on?你住在几楼层?
[00:30.29]On the twelfth floor. 在十二层。
[00:32.68]Would you like to come for a visit?你们想去参观一下吗?
[00:35.76]We'd love to.我们很乐意去。
[00:37.82]Come in, please.请进。
[00:39.95]Wow, it's a lovely living room.哇,真是一个可爱的客厅。
[00:43.87]I can see the bridge from the window.我从窗户能看到桥。
[00:47.46]2. Say these numbers.2.说这些序数词。
[00:51.83]1st first第一
[00:53.45]2nd second第二
[00:55.02]3rd third第三
[00:56.43]4th fourth第四
[00:57.93]5th fifth第五
[00:59.53]6th sixth第六
[01:01.11]7th seventh第七
[01:02.66]8th eighth第八
[01:04.00]9th ninth第九
[01:05.40]10th tenth第十
[01:06.85]11th eleventh第十一
[01:08.33]12th twelfth第十二
[01:10.13]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,学习英语发音。
[01:15.35]a cake baby a 蛋糕 婴儿
[01:23.81]ai train email ai 火车 邮件
[01:32.87]ay play May ay 玩 五月
[01:41.68]Part B B部分
[01:43.44]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[01:56.43]Look. A ship! 看。一艘轮船!
[01:59.15]It's going under the bridge.它正开到桥下。
[02:02.39]There are many cars on the bridge.桥上有许多汽车。
[02:05.70]Mr. Wang also lives in this building.王老师也住在这栋楼里。
[02:09.91]Really? Which floor does he live on?真的吗?他住在几层?
[02:13.99]On the fifteenth floor.在十五层。
[02:16.77]So you're neighbors.所以说你们是邻居。
[02:19.11]Right. We're good neighbors.对的。我们是好邻居。
[02:22.56]2.Ask and answer.2.你问我答。
[02:55.26]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.读短文。判断句子正误。
[03:06.98]Sandy lives in a big city.桑迪住在一个大城市里。
[03:10.66]There are many tall buildings in the city. 城市里面有许多高楼。
[03:14.75]Sandy lives on the nineteenth floor of a tall building. 桑迪住在一个高层建筑的第十九层。
[03:20.35]From the window, she can see the river. 透过窗户,她能看到河。
[03:24.60]On the river there are boats and ships.河面上有许多船只。
[03:28.85]She likes tall buildings. 她喜欢高楼,
[03:31.38]But her grandmother and grandfather don't. 但她的爷爷奶奶不喜欢。
[03:35.90]They say, "There aren't gardens in tall buildings."他们说:“在高层建筑里没有花园。”
[03:41.00]1 Sandy lives on the ninth floor.
[03:46.13]2 From the window she can see the bridge.
[03:51.32]3 Her grandma doesn't like tall bulldings.
[03:56.78]Part C C部分
[03:58.71]1. Number the order of the months.1.给月份标上顺序。
[05:01.43]3 Let's chant.3 齐声朗读。
[05:04.54]School Rooms 教室
[05:27.62][05:07.43]Where is the computer room? 计算机室在哪里?
[05:29.72][05:10.37]On the seventh floor. 在七楼。
[05:32.04][05:13.33]Where is the music room? 音乐室在哪里?
[05:34.47][05:16.43]On the fifth floor. 在十五楼。
[05:36.97][05:19.28]Where is the dining room? 餐厅在哪里,
[05:39.33][05:22.31]On the first floor.在一楼。
[06:00.05]4. Listen and write.听音 写一写。
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