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闽教版 六下 01-Unit1

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名称:闽教版 六下 01-Unit1
[00:01.00]Unit 1 Winter Activities第一单元 冬天的活动
[00:05.55]Part AA 部分
[00:07.39]1.Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[00:22.38]Hi, Julia.嗨,朱丽叶。
[00:23.95]Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去什么地方了吗?
[00:27.40]Yes. I went to Shandong.是的。我去山东了。
[00:30.79]I climbed a famous mountain.我攀登了一座著名的山。
[00:33.92]How about you?你呢?
[00:36.23]I traveled along the Yangtze River.我去长江旅游了。
[00:40.00]It's a very long river.它是一条非常长的河流。
[00:42.86]Yes, it is.I took many photos.是的,确实是。我照了很多照片。
[00:47.65]Did you go anywhere, Sally?莎莉,你去什么地方了吗?
[00:50.88]I went to Harbin.我去了哈尔滨。
[00:53.43]Was it very cold there?那里很冷吗?
[00:56.04]Yes, it's cold and windy.是的,那里不仅冷而且风大。
[00:59.65]I went skating on the lake.我还在湖上滑冰了。
[01:02.65]2. Ask and answer2. 问和答。
[01:06.23]Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去什么地方了吗?
[01:11.26]I climbed a famous mountain.我攀登了一座著名的山。
[01:15.18]Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去什么地方了吗?
[01:19.23]I traveled along the Yangtze River.我去长江旅游了。
[01:23.23]Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去什么地方了吗?
[01:27.27]I went to see my friend.我拜访了我的朋友。
[01:29.69]We listened to music together.我们在一起听音乐。
[01:33.17]Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去什么地方了吗?
[01:36.23]Yes.I went back to my hometown.是的。我回我的家乡了。
[01:40.24]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,并学习英语发音。
[01:45.10]a cake lake date蛋糕 湖泊 日期
[01:56.85]e these Chinese eveninge 这些 语文,汉语的 晚上
[02:09.50]i kite like ride i 风筝 喜欢 骑行
[02:21.15]o nose home those o 鼻子 家 那些
[02:33.22]u use music student u 使用 音乐 学生
[02:46.34]Part BB 部分
[02:48.13]1. Listen and follow.1. 听录音并跟读。
[02:57.71]Did you go to see the Ice and Snow Festival?你去看冰雪节了吗?
[03:02.25]Yes, I did.是的,我去了。
[03:04.06]There was a big ice city.那是一个大的冰城。
[03:06.93]There were many people.那里有很多人。
[03:09.35]Did you have fun in the snow?你在雪中玩的开心吗?
[03:12.86]Yes. Ben and I made a snowman.开心。我和本堆了一个雪人。
[03:16.74]And I took a photo of it on my mobile.而且我用手机给雪人拍了一张照片。
[03:20.83]Show me the photo, please.请给我看看那张照片。
[03:23.73]Look, here it is.看,这就是它。
[03:26.34]Ha, ha. It's short and fat.哈哈。它又矮又胖的。
[03:30.21]It has a big red nose.它有一个大的红鼻子。
[03:33.43]It's a lovely snowman.它是一个可爱的雪人。
[03:36.39]2. Look and say.2.看和说。
[03:39.93]Look at the snowman.看那个雪人。
[03:41.64]It's short and fat.它又矮又胖的。
[03:44.11]Look at that man.看那个男人。
[03:46.32]He's tall and thin.他又高又瘦。
[03:48.98]Show me the dress, please.请给我看看那件连衣裙。
[03:52.30]Which dress?哪一件?
[03:54.43]The long one.长的那一件。
[03:56.57]Show me the skirt, please.请给我看看那条裙子。
[03:59.46]Which skirt?哪条裙子呢?
[04:01.21]The short one.短的那条。
[04:03.83]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.阅读。判断对错。
[04:17.09]The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.春节是中国的新年。
[04:21.66]It is in January or February.它是在一月份或者二月份。
[04:25.64]Many children go back to their hometown with their parents.很多孩子跟他们的父母一起回到家乡。
[04:31.89]They go to see their grandparents.他们去看望他们的祖父母。
[04:35.30]They play with their cousins.他们与堂表兄弟姐妹一起玩耍。
[04:38.45]Very often they get New Year's money from their parents,他们通常会收到来自他们父母、
[04:43.95]grandparents, aunts and uncles.祖父母、叔叔和阿姨的压岁钱。
[04:48.16]They have a good time in winter vacation.他们在寒假会过得很开心。
[04:52.64]1. The Spring Festival is in February.1.春节是在二月份。
[04:59.96]2. People all go back to their hometown for the Spring Festival.2.所有人都会回到家乡过春节。
[05:06.13]3. Children get New Year's money at the Spring Festival.3.孩子们过春节时会收到压岁钱。
[05:13.12]Part C C 部分
[05:16.55]1. Sing a song.1. 唱首歌
[05:20.05]I'm a little Snowman我是一个小雪人
[05:23.06]I'm a little snow-man,short and fat.我是一个小雪人,又矮又胖。
[05:28.05]Here is my broom-stick,here is my hat.这是我的扫帚柄,这是我的帽子。
[05:33.51]When the jolly sun-shine comes to stay,当欢乐的阳光出来时,
[05:38.07]then I slow-ly melt a-way.我就会慢慢地融化掉。(歌曲)
[05:48.29]I'm a little snow-man,short and fat.我是一个小雪人,又矮又胖。
[05:52.71]Here is my broom-stick,here is my hat.这是我的扫帚柄,这是我的帽子。
[05:57.60]When the jolly sun-shine comes to stay,当欢乐的阳光出来时,
[06:02.74]then I slow-ly melt a-way.我就会慢慢地融化掉。(歌曲)
[06:07.97]I'm a little snow-man,short and fat.我是一个小雪人,又矮又胖。
[06:12.46]Here is my broom-stick,here is my hat.这是我的扫帚柄,这是我的帽子。
[06:17.72]When the jolly sun-shine comes to stay,当欢乐的阳光出来时,
[06:22.38]then I slow-ly melt a-way.我就会慢慢地融化掉。(歌曲)
[06:29.14]3. Let's chant.3. 说唱歌谣。
[06:34.77]I climbed a mountain,我攀登山峰,
[06:36.97]A famous mountain.一座著名的山峰。
[06:39.43]I traveled along a river,我游览河流,
[06:42.31]A long, long river.一条长长的河流。
[06:45.65]I went skating on a lake,我去湖上滑冰,
[06:48.48]A beautiful lake.一片美丽的湖泊。(歌曲)
[06:55.13]I climbed a mountain,我攀登山峰,
[06:57.25]A famous mountain.一座著名的山峰。
[06:59.16]I traveled along a river,我游览河流,
[07:01.14]A long, long river.一条长长的河流。
[07:03.16]I went skating on a lake,我去湖上滑冰,
[07:05.12]A beautiful lake.一片美丽的湖泊。(歌曲)
[07:08.25]I climbed a mountain,我攀登山峰,
[07:11.20]A famous mountain.一座著名的山峰。
[07:13.09]I traveled along a river,我游览河流,
[07:15.11]A long, long river.一条长长的河流。
[07:17.07]I went skating on a lake,我去湖上滑冰,
[07:18.95]A beautiful lake.一片美丽的湖泊。(歌曲)
[07:24.64]4. Listen and connect.4 . 听录音并连线。

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