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闽教版 六下 16-Unit8

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名称:闽教版 六下 16-Unit8
[00:01.00]Unit 8 Farewell第八单元 问候
[00:04.81]Part A A 部分
[00:06.76]1. Listen and follow.1. 听录音并跟读。
[00:20.98]Sally will go to a middle school in the USA.莎莉将要去美国念中学了。
[00:25.03]We'll have a party to say goodbye to her.我们想举行一个聚会跟她告别。
[00:28.67]What can we do?我们能做些什么呢?
[00:30.66]Oh, I'll miss her.噢,我会想她的。
[00:33.51]Let's take some photos of our class.让我们全班同学合影吧。
[00:37.11]Then I can make a DVD for our class.那么我可以为我们班级同学制作一部DVD。
[00:42.12]Why not make a year book?为什么不做一本纪念册呢?
[00:44.33]We can put our names, addresses,我们在纪念册上写上我们的姓名地址
[00:47.56]and phone numbers in the book.和电话号码。
[00:50.55]And we can invite her parents to the party.而且我们可以邀请她的父母参加聚会。
[00:54.59]Good idea!好主意!
[00:56.60]2. Look and say.2. 看和说。
[00:59.89]Why not make a year book?为什么不制作一本纪念册呢?
[01:02.48]Why not invite her parents to the party?为什么不邀请她的父母参加聚会呢?
[01:06.86]Why not take some photos of our class?为什么不拍一些班级同学的照片呢?
[01:11.14]Why not make a DVD for our class?为什么不制作一部我们班级同学的DVD呢?
[01:15.49]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,并学习英语发音。
[01:20.47]tr tree train strong tr 树 火车 强壮的
[01:33.24]dr dress driver dream dr 连衣裙 司机 梦想
[01:45.36]ts shorts sports rabbits ts 短裤 运动 兔子
[02:01.25]ds hands friends clou ds手 朋友 云
[02:11.63]Part B B 部分
[02:13.48]1.Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[02:23.72]Hi, sally.We'll miss you.嗨,莎莉。我们会想你的。
[02:27.18]I'll miss you, too.我也会想你们的。
[02:29.68]Here's a year book of our class.这是我们班级同学的纪念册。
[02:32.88]You can find our information from it.你可以从上面找到我们的信息。
[02:36.54]Thank you.谢谢你们。
[02:38.30]I made a DVD.我制作了一部DVD。
[02:40.62]Let's watch it together.让我们一起观看。
[02:42.98]Do you remember this photo?你记得这张照片吗?
[02:45.66]That was my birthday party.那是我的生日聚会。
[02:48.42]You gave me a rabbit.你们送给我一只兔子。
[02:50.78]Do you remember this dinner?你记得这次晚餐吗?
[02:53.74]It was Thanksgiving dinner last year.这是去年的感恩节晚餐。
[02:57.35]We had a very good time.我们度过了一段快乐的时光。
[03:00.21]2. Ask and answer.2. 问和答。
[03:54.53]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.阅读。判断对错。
[04:06.08]My parents will go back to the USA.我的父母将要回美国了。
[04:09.98]I will go to a middle school there.我要去那里的中学读书。
[04:12.88]I feel sorry to leave China.离开中国我感觉很悲伤。
[04:16.97]I'll miss my classmates.我会想我的同学。
[04:19.48]Today I got a year book of my class.今天我得到了一本班级同学的纪念册。
[04:23.75]I can find the information of my friends from it.我能在纪念册上找到我朋友的信息。
[04:28.60]I will send emails to my teachers and classmates我将会给我的老师发邮件,
[04:32.50]and talk with them on the phone.并且通过电话跟他们聊天。
[04:35.56]1. Sally will leave China. 莎莉将要离开中国。
[04:40.33]She feels sad.1.她感觉悲伤。
[04:42.79]2. She can find her friends' phone numbers from the year book.2. 她可以从纪念册上找到朋友们的电话号码。
[04:49.73]3. She will call her classmates and teachers.3. 她将会给同学和老师打电话。
[04:56.44]Part C C 部分
[05:00.30]3. Let's chant.3. 说唱歌谣。
[05:03.27]Open My Year Book打开我的纪念册
[05:42.86][05:28.43][05:06.30]Open my year book,打开我的纪念册,
[05:45.01][05:30.52][05:08.72]And have a close look.并且仔细看一看。
[05:47.08][05:32.61][05:11.30]Oh, Lily, Julia, Wang Tao …噢,李莉、朱丽叶、王涛……
[05:49.13][05:34.74][05:16.31]I miss you all! 我想念你们所有人!
[05:51.19][05:36.79][05:18.27]Here are your phone numbers.这是你们的电话号码。
[05:53.30][05:38.87][05:21.24]I will call you all!我会给你们所有人打电话。(歌曲)
[05:59.17]4. Listen and circle the right picture.4. 听录音并圈出正确的图片。
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