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Rabbit’s Wish for Snow兔子雪球

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名称:Rabbit’s Wish for Snow兔子雪球
Long ago,
Rabbits were not as they are today.
Rabbits had long bushy tails and long straight arms and long straight legs.
Winter had passed.
The snows had gone.
Rabbit was out playing.
He saw youg shoots high up in a tree.
He wanted to eat those youg shoots.
But rabbits, een then, were not good tree climbers.
Rabbit also wanted to play in the snow.
But there was no snow.
Then he remembered what Grandma has said.
If you wish for nomething hard enough,
it could happen.
And so Rbbit danced and sang.
Oh, I wish it would snow.
I wish it would snow.
I wish the snow would come down so I could play.
Oh, How I wish it would snow.
And it started to snow just a little bit.
And Rabbit was so excited that he danced even harder and he sang shi song even stronger.
Oh, how I wish it would snow.
Oh, how I wish i would snow so I could play in the snow.
Oh, I wish it would snow.
And the snow started to fall as big as feathers.
And the snow climbed high up the tree.
And Rabbit was able to eat some of those youg shootes in the tree.
Oh, Rabbit was so happy to eat the shoots frome the tree.
Now he could rest.
And he fell asleep.
The next morning the sun came up.
Rabbit looked around.
All the now had melted.
Rabbit wnated to go home,
but now he was high in that tree.
And as you know,
rebbits are not good tree climbers.
Holding on with his tail,
Rabbit beaned over.
He looked down to the ground and he wondered how he was going to get out of the tree.
And as he leaned over, there was a big snap.
Rabbit broke his tail,
and fell out of that tree!
When Rabbit crashed to the ground,
he landed on his face and split his lip.
And Rabbit broke his arms and legs.
So now all Rabbit's grandchildren have short tails.
And now all Rabbit's grandchildren have split lips.
And now all Rabbit's grandchildren have bent arms and legs.
And if you look at a willow tree,
you may see a rabbit's tail.
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