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(三年级起点)2014江苏译林版小学英语 六年级下册
[00:01.00]Unit 1 The lion and the mouse第一单元 狮子和老鼠
[00:05.66]Story time讲故事
[00:08.56]There was a lion in the forest. 森林里住着一只狮子。
[00:12.08]He was very large and strong.狮子很大,也很强壮。
[00:16.20]One day, 有一天,
[00:17.75]a mouse walked by 一只老鼠从狮子旁边经过,
[00:19.50]and woke the lion up. 吵醒了正在睡觉的狮子。
[00:21.97]The lion was angry 狮子很生气,
[00:24.44]and wanted to eat the mouse.想吃了这只老鼠。
[00:27.13]" Please don't eat me. “请不要吃我,
[00:29.20]I can help you some day," 有一天我会帮助你的。”
[00:31.96]said the mouse quietly. 老鼠平静地说道。
[00:34.74]"You're so small and weak! “你这么弱小!
[00:37.72]How can you help me?" 你怎么帮助我?”
[00:40.66]laughed the lion loudly. 狮子大声地笑道。
[00:43.47]Then, he let the mouse go.然后,狮子放走了老鼠。
[00:47.20]The next day, 第二天,
[00:49.03]two men caught the lion with a large net. 两个男人用一张巨大的网捉住了狮子。
[00:53.09]The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth,狮子用它锋利的牙齿想咬破网,
[00:57.49]but that did not help. 但是丝毫没有起到作用。
[01:00.40]"How can I get out?" “我怎么才能逃出去呢?”
[01:02.30]asked the lion sadly.狮子悲伤地问道。
[01:05.84]Just then, the mouse saw the lion. 就在这个时候,老鼠看见了狮子。
[01:09.83]"I can help you," he said. “我能帮助你,”老鼠说道。
[01:13.23]Soon, 不一会儿,
[01:14.61]the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.老鼠用牙齿咬出了一个大洞。
[01:19.56]The lion got out. 狮子逃了出来。
[01:21.77]"Thank you!" said the lion happily.“非常感谢你!”狮子开心地说。
[01:27.08]From then on, 从那以后,
[01:28.96]the lion and the mouse became friends.狮子和老鼠就成为了好朋友。
[01:47.03]Sound time语音学习
[01:52.51]Where are you going? To the sweet shop.你去哪儿了?去糖果店了。
[01:57.08]What do you want to buy? A lollipop. 你想买什么?一个棒棒糖。
[02:01.01]Who is it for? The boy over there.给谁的?那边的男孩。
[02:05.23]What will he say? It doesn't matter.他会说什么?没关系。
[02:10.20]Culture time文化学习
[02:13.10]This is Aesop's Fables. 这本是《伊索寓言全集》,
[02:16.04]You can find many animal stories in it.你可以在里面找到好多有关动物的故事。
[02:20.63]This is a Chinese idiom book. 这本是《成语故事》,
[02:24.39]You can also find many animal stories in it.你也可以在里面找到好多有关动物的故事。
[02:30.23]Cartoon time卡通故事
[02:33.14]Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily.萨姆和波比正在开心地打乒乓球。
[02:38.86]You're really good at table tennis, Sam.萨姆,你的乒乓球打得真好。
[02:46.02]Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. 比利和威利大声地为他们喝彩。
[02:50.51]Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. 萨姆很兴奋,更加卖力地打球。
[03:01.00]Then, they cannot find the ball.接着,他找不到球了。
[03:05.20]Finally, 后来,
[03:06.72]Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground.萨姆和波比在地上发现了一个洞。
[03:11.67]Is the ball in the hole?球在洞里吗?
[03:15.25]Yes! I can see it. 是的!我看见球了。
[03:18.50]But it's too deep. I can't reach it.但是洞太深了。我够不着球。
[03:23.08]Sam has an idea. 萨姆有了一个主意。
[03:25.95]He brings some water quickly 他迅速地找来水,
[03:28.98]and pours it into the hole.把水倒入这个洞里。
[03:31.96]Well done, Sam!干得好,萨姆!
[03:35.04]There are so many balls!竟然有这么多的球!
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