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(三年级起点)2014江苏译林版小学英语 六年级下册
[00:01.00]Unit 2 Good habits第二单元 好习惯
[00:04.91]Story time讲故事
[00:07.77]Wang Bing is a good boy. 王兵是一个好男孩。
[00:11.00]He has many good habits. 他有很多好习惯。
[00:13.83]He gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late.他每天都很早就起床了 ,从来不赖床。
[00:19.38]He brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.他早起和睡前都会刷牙。
[00:25.33]At home, 在家的时候,
[00:26.98]Wang Bing always puts his things in order. 王兵总是把东西整理得井井有条。
[00:31.11]He usually finishes his homework before dinner.他通常在晚饭前就把作业写完了。
[00:36.32]Liu Tao is a good boy too. 刘涛也是一个好男孩。
[00:39.88]He listens to his teachers at school. 在学校,他听老师的话。
[00:43.59]He also does well at home. 在家里,他听父母的话。
[00:46.63]He keeps his room clean and tidy. 他的房间总是整理得很干净整洁。
[00:50.52]He also helps his parents.他也经常帮助父母做家务活。
[00:53.98]But Liu Tao has some bad habits. 但是,刘涛也有一些坏习惯。
[00:57.85]He often does his homework late at night 他总是很晚才写作业,
[01:01.53]and does not go to bed early. 不会早睡。
[01:04.79]He sometimes feels sleepy in the morning.早晨他总是感到很困乏。
[01:09.34]Wang Bing and Liu Tao are friends. 王兵和刘涛是好朋友。
[01:13.30]Wang Bing knows Liu Tao well.王兵很了解刘涛。
[01:17.70]Did you go to bed late last night, Liu Tao?刘涛,昨晚又很晚才睡觉吧?
[01:22.59]Yes, but I'm not sleepy. I can walk fast.是啊,但是我一点都不困。看我走的多快。
[01:31.37]You shouldn't go to bed late, Liu Tao.刘涛,你应该早点睡觉的。
[01:48.72]Sound time语音学习
[02:26.19][02:14.65]Four short horses, Running through the grass.四匹矮小的马,在草地上跑过。
[02:31.01][02:19.37]Four short horses, Running very fast!四匹矮小的马,跑得非常快!
[02:39.27]Song time唱一唱下面这首歌
[02:42.21]This is the way用这样的方式
[02:53.72]This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face. 我们是这样洗脸的,洗脸,洗脸。
[03:03.10]This is the way we wash our face at seven o'clock in the morning. 我们是这样在早晨七点钟洗脸的。
[03:12.00]This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face. 我们是这样洗脸的,洗脸,洗脸。
[03:20.66]This is the way we wash our face at seven o'clock in the morning. 我们是这样在早晨七点钟洗脸的。
[03:38.86]This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face. 我们是这样洗脸的,洗脸,洗脸。
[03:47.73]This is the way we wash our face at seven o'clock in the morning.我们是这样在早晨七点钟洗脸的。
[03:59.55]Cartoon time卡通故事
[04:02.38]Tina's friends come to see her.蒂娜的朋友们过来看她。
[04:06.33]Let me show you around our house.让我带你们参观一下我的家。
[04:11.28]They go into the living room.他们来到起居室。
[04:15.10]This is our living room.这是我们的起居室。
[04:19.06]It's big and clean.起居室真大,真干净。
[04:23.40]They go into Tina's bedroom.他们又来到卧室。
[04:27.59]This is my bedroom.这是我的卧室。
[04:31.19]It's small, but it's nice.卧室有点小,但是也很不错。
[04:35.41]They are in Bobby's bedroom. 他们来到波比的卧室。
[04:38.63]They see a lot of books and toys on the floor.他们看见地上有很多书和玩具。
[04:44.31]Whose bedroom is this?这是谁的卧室啊?
[04:48.65]It's my brother's.这是我哥哥的卧室。
[04:52.03]The cannot see Bobby.他们没有看到波比。
[04:55.82]Bobby, where are you?波比,你在哪儿?
[04:59.53]I'm here, under the bed.我在这儿,我在床底下。
[05:03.58]You should put your books and toys in order.你应该把这些书和玩具都整理一下。
[05:09.48]Checkout time测试
[05:12.43]Listen and choose听一听,选一选
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