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[00:00.00]Let's check Listen and match
[00:26.28]Let's sing My Days of the Week
[01:02.77]Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
[01:14.27]Days for school. Days for school.
[01:17.98]Saturday ,Sunday Days for fun.
[01:20.42]星期六,星期天. 日子过得有趣.
[01:22.86]Happy time , fun time for everyone.
[01:24.85]对我们每个人来说都是 快乐时光,有趣时光.
[01:26.83]Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday. Friday.
[01:31.27]星期一,星期二,星期三 星期四,星期五
[01:35.71]Days for school. Days for school.
[01:37.45]在学校的日子 在学校的日子
[01:39.19]Saturday ,Sunday Days for fun.
[01:41.47]星期六,星期天. 日子过得有趣.
[01:43.76]Happy time , fun time for everyone.
[01:46.25]对我们每个人来说都是 快乐时光,有趣时光.
[01:48.75]Story time
[01:57.34]Zoom: It's a new school years.
[02:00.95]I need to do some shopping. Zip: I'll help.
[02:02.95]Zoom:新学年开始了. 我必须去购物. Zip:我去帮忙.
[02:04.94]Zip: We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays.
[02:07.54]Zip:我们每星期一和 星期三都有英语课.
[02:10.14]Zoom: I need some notebooks and pencils. Zip: We have P.E. on Tuesdays.
[02:13.49]Zoom:我需要一些笔记本 和铅笔. zip:我们每星期二都有 体育课.
[02:16.83]Zoom: I want a new pair of sneakers.
[02:21.01]Zip: on Thursdays we have art class.
[02:22.13]Zoom:我买一双新的运动 鞋.Zip:每星期四我们都有 美术课.
[02:23.26]Zoom: I need a box of crayons. Zip: We have math on Fridays.
[02:25.70]Zoom:我需要一盒蜡笔. Zip:每星期五,我们都有 数学课.
[02:28.14]Zoom: Oh, I need a new ruler and a calculator.
[02:31.04]Zip: What do you do on Weekends?
[02:33.23]Zoom:噢,我需要一把新的 尺子和一个计算器. Zip:在每个周末你做 什么?
[02:35.43]zoom: I often play football. I'd like a new football.
[02:38.01]zoom:我通常踢足球.我想 要一个新的足球.
[02:40.60]Zoom: Oh,I'm sorry,Zip. Zip: What's the matter
[02:43.19]Zoom: I don't have enough money.
[02:44.27]Zoom:噢,对不起,Zip. Zip:什么事? Zoom:我不够钱.
[02:45.36]Zip: OK! I'll put the football back. Zoom: Oh, no!
[02:47.44]Zip:OK!我把这个足球放 回去. Zoom:噢,不!
[02:49.53]Words in unit 2
[03:02.83]Monday Tuesday(Tue.)Wednesday(Wed.)
[03:07.12]星期一 星期二 星期三
[03:11.40]Thursday Friday(Fri.)Moral Education
[03:16.30]星期四 星期五 思想品德课
[03:21.20]Social Studiesday Wait 等等 等待n
[03:25.94]社会课 天 日子等等 等待
[03:30.68]tomorrow haveon
[03:34.22]明天 有,吃在...时候
[03:37.76]do homework watch TV read books
[03:43.91]做作业 看电视读书
[03:50.06]Saturday(Sat.)Sunday(Sun.) often
[03:54.41]星期六 (Sun.)星期天 常常,经常
[03:58.76]love yeah play computer games
[04:04.11]爱,热爱 是,行 玩电脑游戏
[04:09.47]What about...? too do housework
[04:14.97]怎么样?也。太 作家务
[04:20.47]Unit three WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD?
[04:25.47]第三单元 你特别喜爱的食物是 什么?
[04:30.47]Let's chant
[04:33.55]What would you like for lunch? Cabbage,green beans or eggplant?
[04:40.79]午餐你想来点什么? 卷心菜,青豆还是茄子?
[04:48.03]I'd like eggplant, please. What would you like for lunch?
[04:52.47]请来点茄子. 午餐你想来点什么?
[04:56.91]Mutton , tofu or beef? I'd like mutton, please.
[05:01.30]羊肉,豆腐还是牛肉? 请来点羊肉.
[05:05.68]A Let's learn A
[05:17.68]What would you like for lunch? I'd like some tomatoes and mutton.
[05:21.02]午餐你想来点什么? 我喜欢西红柿和羊肉.
[05:24.36]pork tofu mutton potato
[05:28.36]猪肉 豆腐 羊肉 马铃薯
[05:32.36]cabbage tomato eggplant
[05:39.50]卷心菜 西红柿 茄子
[05:46.64]green beans fish
[05:49.79]青豆 鱼
[05:52.94]Let's try Listen and tick or cross.
[06:04.75]Let's talk
[06:29.43]Mike: I'm hungry. Sarah: What do you have for lunch today?
[06:32.18]Mike:我很饿了. Sarah:今天午餐你想来点 什么?
[06:34.92]Mike: I have eggplant and tomatoes. What about you ?
[06:36.67]Mike:我吃茄子和西红柿. 你呢?
[06:38.42]Sarah: I have onions and green beans.
[06:41.42]Read and write Mom: What do you have for lunch on Monday?
[06:47.01]Mom:星期一午餐你想吃点 什么?
[06:52.60]Amy: We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.Here is our school menu.
[06:55.15]Amy:我想吃西红柿,豆腐 和鱼.这是我们学校的 菜单.
[06:57.70]Mom: That sounds good. What would you like for dinner, Amy?
[06:59.79]Mom:听起来蛮好吃的.Amy 你吃什么作为你的晚餐?
[07:01.88]Amy: I'd like potatoes and green beans. I'm hungry , Mom.
[07:04.32]Amy:我喜欢马铃薯和青豆. 我很饿,妈妈.
[07:06.76]Mom: Oh! Mew is hungry too.
[07:11.44]B Let's learn B
[07:18.05]It's tasty. It's my favourite.
[07:22.54]tasty salty sweet
[07:27.44]好吃的 咸的 甜的
[07:32.34]fresh sour healthy
[07:37.82]新鲜的 酸的 健康的
[07:43.31]Let's chant
[07:49.50]The apples are sweet. sweet.sweet.sweet.
[08:01.80]The potatoes are salty. salty. salty. salty.
[08:04.74]这个苹果是甜的.甜的.甜 的.甜的.马铃薯是咸的. 咸的.咸的.咸的. 咸的.
[08:07.68]The grapes are sour. sour.sour.sour.
[08:12.67]The fish is fresh. fresh. fresh. fresh.
[08:15.27]这个葡萄是酸的.酸的. 酸的.酸的. 这鱼是新鲜的.新鲜的. 新鲜的.新鲜的.
[08:17.87]They're tasty and yummy, tasty and yummy,
[08:24.66]And healthy for me! healthy for me!
[08:26.61]它们是可口的和美味的, 可口的和美味的,并且有 利于我的健康!
[08:28.55]Let's try Listen and number
[08:41.53]Let's talk
[09:20.40]Chen: What's your favourite food? Sarah: Fish.
[09:21.55]陈:你最喜欢的食物是 什么? Sarah:鱼.
[09:22.70]Chen: Me too. It's tasty. Sarah: I like grapes
[09:23.59]陈:我也是.它可可口了. Sarah:我喜欢葡萄.
[09:24.48]Chen: I don't like grapes. They're sour.
[09:26.13]陈:我不喜欢葡萄.它太酸 了.
[09:27.77]Read and write
[09:36.16]Zip: What's your favourite fruit, Monkey?
[09:37.50]Zip:猴子,你特别喜爱的 水果是什么?
[09:38.85]Monkey: I like apples. They're sweet.
[09:40.79]猴子:我喜欢苹果.它们是 甜的.
[09:42.74]Rabbit: I like fruit. But I don't like grapes. They're sour.
[09:45.34]兔子:我喜欢水果.但我不 喜欢葡萄.它们是酸的.
[09:47.94]bananas are my favourite. They're tasty.
[09:49.48]香蕉是我的最爱.它们是 可口的.
[09:51.02]Zip: I like carrot juice. It's fresh and healthy. What about you, Zoom?
[09:53.71]Zip:我喜欢胡萝卜果汁. 它新鲜和有健康.你呢,
[09:56.40]Zoom? Zoom: I like beef, but I'm heavy now. I have vegetables.
[09:59.60]zoom:我喜欢牛肉,但我 已经饱了.我要点蔬菜.
[10:10.30]ow window yellow snow
[10:16.59]窗户 黄色 雪
[10:22.89]grow oa coat boat
[10:27.59]生长 外套 小船
[10:32.29]goat road fl floor
[10:35.00]山羊 路 地板
[10:37.70]flower flag flow fr
[10:40.60]花 旗 飘扬
[10:43.50]fruit frog from fridge
[10:49.14]水果 青蛙 来自 电冰箱
[10:54.79]A slow flow makes flowers grow.
[11:00.23]一条缓慢流动着的河水 促进花的生长。
[11:05.68]The goat wears a coat as he sits in a boat.
[11:07.47]这个山羊坐在小船上的 时候,它穿着一件外套.
[11:09.26]The goat wears a coat as he sits in a boat.
[11:18.00]这个山羊坐在小船上的 时候,它穿着一件外套.
[11:26.73]A frog frighten a flat flowers on the floor.
[11:35.38]一只青蛙被地面上扁平的 花恐吓着.
[11:44.03]Let's check listen and circle.
[11:54.42]Let's check listen and circle.
[12:00.82]It's time for lunch. I am hungry .
[12:03.72]What do you have for lunch today?
[12:08.07]该吃午餐了. 我很饿. 今天午餐你吃什么?
[12:12.42]It's time for lunch. I am hungry .
[13:00.83]What do you have for lunch today?
[13:03.43]该吃午餐了. 我很饿. 今天午餐你吃什么?
[13:06.02]Something salty? Something sweet?
[13:09.63]We have noodles ,beef. What a treat!
[13:12.18]什么是咸的? 什么是甜的? 我们要面条,牛肉. 如此得款待我们!
[13:14.72]It's time for dinner.
[13:23.40]I am hungry. What do you have for dinner today?
[13:26.99]该吃晚餐了. 我很饿. 今天晚餐你吃什么?
[13:30.58]Something salty? Something sweet?
[13:34.86]We have cabbage, fish. What a treat! \
[13:37.55]什么是咸的? 什么是甜的? 我们要面条,牛肉. 如此得款待我们!
[13:40.24]Story time
[13:50.72]Zip: What do you have for
[13:54.09]dinner today? Zoom: I have fish, but it's to salty.
[13:55.58]Zip:今天晚餐你吃什么? zoom:我吃鱼,但它太咸了.
[13:57.07]Zip: Well,let's go to a restaurant.
[13:59.24]Zoom: Do you have any noodles?
[14:01.59]Server: No,today is Monday. We have fish. We have noodles on Tuesday.
[14:04.93]侍员:不,今天是星期一. 我们有鱼.我们星期二有 面条.
[14:08.27]Zoom: Noodles are my favourite food. Do you have any noodles today?
[14:12.98]zoom:面条是我的最爱的 食物. 今天你有面条吗?
[14:17.68]Server: No, We have pork and green beans.
[14:20.97]We have noodles on Wednesday.
[14:22.22]侍员:没有,我们有猪肉和 青豆. 我们星期三有面条.
[14:23.48]Zoom: Do you have noodles?
[14:27.66]Server: No, We have cabbage and mutton. We have noodles on Thursday.
[14:30.05]侍员:没有,我们这有卷心 菜和羊肉. 星期四我们有面条.
[14:32.44]Zoom: Do you have noodles today?
[14:34.68]Server: No, We have eggplant. We have noodles on Friday.
[14:36.67]侍员:没有,我们有茄子. 我们星期五有面条.
[14:38.65]Zoom: Do you have noodles?
[14:41.24]Server: Yes, we do . Zoom: These noodles are too salty. Zip: Uh-oh.
[14:46.33]侍员:是的,我们有. Zoom:这些面条太咸. Zip:噢.
[14:51.43]Words in Unit 3
[15:01.12]cabbage pork mutton
[15:05.17]洋白菜,卷心菜 猪肉 羊肉
[15:09.22]eggplant fish green beans
[15:14.27]茄子 鱼 青豆
[15:19.33]tofu potato tomato
[15:23.22]豆腐 土豆 西红柿
[15:27.11]I'd like= I would like for lunch
[15:33.66]为,给 中餐, 午饭
[15:40.20]we menu sound
[15:44.44]我们 菜单 听起来
[15:48.69]Mew Mew healty
[15:51.63]猫咪 咪咪 健康的 有益健康的
[15:54.57]tasty sweet sour
[15:58.17]好吃的 可口的 甜的 酸的
[16:01.78]fresh salty favourite
[16:06.32]新鲜的 咸的 最喜欢的,特别喜欢的
[16:10.87]they're =they are fruit don't = do not grape
[16:17.87]水果 葡萄
[16:24.87]now have to
[16:28.47]现在 不得不
[16:38.06]Read and write
[16:48.43]David: Can I interview you for the school newspaper?
[16:50.27]David:我们的校刊可以 采访你吗?
[16:52.11]Miss Green: Yes, certainly.
[16:53.20]Green小姐: 可以,当然可以.
[16:54.28]David: What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays ?
[16:56.02]David:在每个星期六和 星期天你会做些什么?
[16:57.76]Miss Green: I often read books and watch TV.
[16:59.79]Green小姐:我通常是看书 和看电视.
[17:01.83]David: What's your favourite food?
[17:03.12]David:你最喜爱的食物是 什么?
[17:04.42]Miss Green: I like green beans. They're tasty and healthy.
[17:07.12]Gree小姐:我喜爱青豆. 它们可口并且有利于健康.
[17:09.83]David: Thank you, Miss Green. Miss Green: You're welcome.
[17:11.61]David:谢谢你,Green小姐. Green小姐:不客气.
[17:13.40]Let's chant
[17:21.40]Saturdays I often watch TV, Play football and eat ice-cream.
[17:27.85]每个星期六我通常看电视, 踢足球和吃冰淇淋.
[17:34.30]sometimes I go to Grandma's to play. Oh,how I love Saturday
[17:37.20]有时我去奶奶家玩.哦,我 多么喜欢星期六呀!
[17:40.10]Sundays I usually study violin, Play Ping-Pong and dance and sing.
[17:44.59]每个星期天我通常练习 拉小提琴和打乒乓球和 跳舞和唱歌.
[17:49.09]Sometimes I go to the zoo. Oh, how I love Sunday, too!
[17:51.97]有时我去动物园. 噢,我也是多么喜欢星期 天呀
[17:54.86]Read and write
[18:03.85]Dear Zhang Peng, My name is Jack.
[18:07.14]亲爱的张鹏,我的名字叫 Jack.
[18:10.43]I am 10 years old, I study in Willow School.
[18:12.13]我十岁了,我在种满柳树 的学校里学习.
[18:13.83]My favourite day is Monday.
[18:14.97]我的最喜欢的一天是 星期一.
[18:16.12]We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch.
[18:19.47]我们有体育课和电脑课 并且我们有马铃薯作为 午餐.
[18:22.81]Potatoes are my favourite food.
[18:25.79]Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Mr Li.
[18:29.09]星期一是最棒的一天! 我最喜欢的老师是李老师
[18:32.40]He's our art teacher. He is tall and strong. He's very active.
[18:35.49]他是我们的美术老师. 他高并且强壮. 他非常活跃.
[18:38.59]Tell me about your school, please.
[18:40.09]请告诉我关于你们学校的 情况.
[18:41.59]You pen pal, Jack
[18:43.68]Jack Listen and circle
[18:54.26]Let's sing My Favourite Day
[19:44.34]On Monday we have noodles. I like noodles and Monday.
[19:50.43]在星期一我们吃面条. 在星期一我喜欢面条.
[19:56.51]On Wednesday we have P.E. I like P.E. and Wednesday.
[19:59.35]在星期三我们有体育课. 我喜欢体育课和星期三.
[20:02.18]On Saturday I play football. I like football and Saturday.
[20:08.32]在星期六我踢足球. 我喜欢足球和星期六.
[20:14.46]Monday Wednesday or Saturday. what's your favourite day?
[20:22.00]星期一,星期三还是 星期六. 你最喜欢的是哪一天?
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