• 英蕊幼儿英语
  • 天线宝宝
  • 蓝猫
  • 三字经
  • 虹猫蓝兔
  • 小熊维尼
  • 芭比
  • 星际宝贝
  • 蜡笔小新
  • 白雪公主
  • 灰姑娘
  • 圣诞节
  • 新年儿歌
  • 喜羊羊和灰太狼
  • 巧虎
  • 熊出没
  • 朵拉
  • 米老鼠和唐老鸭
  • 奥特曼
  • 智慧树
  • 猫和老鼠
  • 海绵宝宝
  • 蜘蛛侠
  • 哆啦A梦
  • 英蕊幼儿英语
  • 天线宝宝
  • 蓝猫
  • 三字经
  • 虹猫蓝兔
  • 小熊维尼
  • 芭比
  • 星际宝贝
  • 蜡笔小新
  • 白雪公主
  • 灰姑娘
  • 圣诞节
  • 新年儿歌
  • 喜羊羊和灰太狼
  • 巧虎
  • 熊出没
  • 朵拉
  • 米老鼠和唐老鸭
  • 奥特曼
  • 智慧树
  • 猫和老鼠
  • 海绵宝宝
  • 蜘蛛侠
  • 哆啦A梦
  • 英蕊幼儿英语
  • 天线宝宝


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[00:00.00]UNIT FOURMy Holiday
[00:15.60]Let's chant
[00:21.13]Today I wentto school,I worked veryhard today,
[00:26.49]I studied andplayed and learneda lot.When is the holiday?
[00:32.76]Today I wentto school,I sang and dancedand ate,
[00:38.14]I studied and playedand learned a lot,Tomorrow I will notbe late.
[00:52.40]A Let's learn
[00:56.11]learned Chinesesang and dancedate good food
[01:16.70]took picturesclimbed a mountain
[01:33.54]What did you do onyour holiday?I ate good food.
[01:45.20]Let's tryListen and circle.
[01:51.07]Where did you goon your holiday?I went to Xinjiang.
[02:03.01]Let's talkWhere did you go onyour holiday?I went to Xinjiang.
[02:11.34]What did you dothere?I sang and dancedwith my new friends.
[02:22.58]Let's chant
[02:31.01]Where did you go onyour holiday?We went to Canada onour holiday.
[02:42.27]How did you go onyour holiday?We went by airplaneon our holiday.
[02:53.58]What did you do onyour holiday?
[02:58.78]We skied and madea snowman on ourholiday.
[03:04.82]Did you have a goodtime on yourholiday?
[03:10.43]We had a lot of funon our holiday.
[03:23.55]Let's read
[03:26.42]Dear mom,How are you?
[03:28.10]亲爱的妈妈,  你好吗?
[03:29.79]Every day I had funwith my cousins.On Monday we wentto a restaurant.
[03:37.94]We ate good food.On Tuesday we wentto a park.
[03:43.90]We sang and danced.On Wednesday weplayed ping-pong.
[03:50.40]On Thursday weclimbed amountain.
[03:53.85]We took manypictures.Tomorrow I'll beback home!
[03:59.62]Miss you and dad.Love,John
[04:09.31]B Let's learn
[04:13.05]bought presentsrowed a boatsaw elephantswent skiing
[04:36.85]went ice-skating
[04:46.41]What did you do onyour holiday?I bought presents.
[04:56.36]Let's tryListen and circle.
[05:01.69]How was yourholiday?It was fine.
[05:05.53]What did you do?I saw elephants.
[05:13.97]Let's talkWhere did you go onyour holiday?I went to Harbin.
[05:20.34]How did you gothere?I went by train.
[05:24.10]What did you do?I went skiing.
[05:32.36]Let's read
[05:35.52]It was a longholiday.
[05:38.13]We left Beijing onFebruary 1st and gotto Harbin on the 2nd
[05:44.58]On the first day,I went to a parkwith my parents.
[05:49.07]On the 3rd,I wentskiing.On the 4th,I did myhomework.
[05:56.00]On the 5th I wentice-skating.
[05:59.89]On the 6th,I boughtpresents for myfriends.
[06:04.83]We got back toBeijing by plane onthe 7th.
[06:09.37]For the last dayof the holiday,
[06:11.17]we relaxed andprepared to goback to workor school.
[06:20.84]Let's check
[06:23.35]1.Where did you goon your holiday?I went to Zhejiang.
[06:30.61]What did you dothere?I rowed a boat andtook pictures.
[06:36.72]2.Where did you goon your holiday?I went to Sichuan.
[06:43.62]What did you dothere?I saw pandas.
[06:49.08]Where did you golast week?I went to Shanghai.
[06:55.35]How did youget there?I went by train.
[07:00.60]4.How did yougo to the park?I walked.
[07:11.52]Let's singA Trip to China
[07:19.43]My friend came backfrom Beijing,from Bei-jing.
[07:25.10]He brought with him,an old jade ring,an old jade ring.
[07:30.69]My friend came backfrom Hangzhou,from Hang-zhou.
[07:36.39]He brought with him,a green silk tie,a green silk tie.
[07:42.00]My friend came backfrom Urumqi,from Uru-mqi.
[07:47.75]He brought with him,a colour-ful cap,a colour-ful cap.
[08:00.84]Story time
[08:08.59]I am now on the moonI can't believe it!
[08:13.14]She must be Chang'e.Oh,here is therabbit.
[08:19.54]It's time to go.Good!Here comes aspaceship.
[08:25.94]How was yourholiday?It was fun.
[08:29.57]Where did you go?I went to the moon.
[08:33.72]How did yougo there?I went by aspaceship.
[08:38.27]What did you see?I saw Chang'e,therabbit and the tree.
[08:44.43]Did you take anypictures?Yes,I did.Ooops,
[08:49.58]where did I put thepictures?Oh,it's a dream.
[09:03.40]Words in unit 4learn(过去式learned)学习
[09:31.38]and 和dance(过去式danced)跳舞
[09:46.32]eat(过去式ate) 吃good 好的
[10:31.51]I'll=I willmiss 想念
[11:10.59]boat 小船see (过去式saw)看见
[11:23.81]elephant 大象go (过去式went)skiing去滑雪
[12:18.35]relax 放松prepare 准备
[12:36.27]Recycle 1LET'S TAKE A TRIP!1.Read and say.
[12:41.50]循环 1我们去旅行吧!1.朗读,说.
[12:46.72]Where are you goingon your holiday?I am going tovisit Kunming.
[12:52.99]Oh.Who are yougoing with?
[12:56.02]I'm going withmy mom,my dad,and my sisterKathy.
[13:01.43]What are you goingto do there?I'm going to seefolk dances.
[13:06.29]I'm going to visitStone Forest too.That's great!
[13:11.72]How is your familygoing to get there?We are goingby plane.
[13:17.18]When are you going?We're going thisweekend.Have a good time!
[13:29.46]2.Read and answer.
[13:38.47]Mike,is Kunming farfrom Beijing?Yes.It's three hoursby plane.
[13:45.18]What is the weatherlike there?Kunming is known as"Spring City".
[13:50.38]It's usually sunnyand warm.Are we going to seedifferent places?
[13:56.36]Yes,we are.There isalso good food inKunming.I can't wait.
[14:02.42]I'm also going tobuy some folkclothes there.
[14:05.56]We're leaving now.Can you help mewith the backpackplease?
[14:10.39]My backpack isbigger and heavierthan yours.Of course!
[14:25.38]3.Listen and write
[14:31.42]May I have yourattention please?
[14:34.50]Air China flightCA1471 to Kunming isnow boardingthrough Gate 24.
[14:43.41]Please collect allof your personalbelongings
[14:47.22]and have yourboarding pass readyas you board theaircraft.
[14:52.42]We wish you apleasant journey.
[15:02.53]5.Read and answer.
[15:06.63]May 14thDear darling,Today was a goodday and a bad day.
[15:13.84]Here is the badnews.
[15:16.14]We went to thehotel by taxi.
[15:19.54]The driver told usmany things aboutKunming.
[15:23.51]I was excited aboutthe trip.
[15:26.43]We went into thehotel but I didn'thave my backpack.
[15:30.66]I ran back to thetaxi.The driver wasgone.
[15:35.37]That afternoon dadand I took a bus tothe police station.
[15:40.28]There were manybackpacks there.
[15:42.68]A policeman showedus three backpacks.One was bigger thanmine.
[15:48.82]One was smallerthan mine.
[15:50.86]The third backpacklooked like mine,but it was not.Mine was heavier.
[15:57.13]I wanted to cry.The policeman saidhe would help us.
[16:03.03]We waited on thechair.Here is thegood news.
[16:08.46]A man came into thepolice station.He had my backpack.
[16:13.48]I was so excited tosee the taxi driveragain.
[16:18.08]He told me to enjoymy visit to Kunming.
[16:21.55]I can have a goodtrip now!Mike.
[16:25.72]现在我有一个很棒的旅程了!     迈克.
[16:29.88]7.Read and answerExcuse me.We are visitors tothis city.
[16:38.58]We are lost.What are you lookingfor?
[16:43.18]How can we get tothe Holiday Hotel,please?
[16:46.60]You can take theNo.26 bus.Get off at the postoffice.
[16:52.82]There is a cinemanear the HolidayHotel.
[16:56.50]I can find the hotelfrom the cinema.Walk south from thepost office.
[17:02.62]Go straight.You'll findthe cinema.
[17:06.27]The hotel is justbehind the cinema.Where's the busstop,please?
[17:11.52]Turn right.It's infront of the bank.
[17:15.62]Thanks for yourhelp.Good luck.
[17:25.13]8.Listen,match andwrite.
[18:25.11]9.Let's chant.
[18:31.75]I went on a trip.What did you do?What did you do?
[18:37.20]I went to a park.I went to the zoo.I went on a trip.
[18:45.41]What did you see?What did you see?I saw the mountains.I saw the sea.
[18:53.66]I went on a trip.What did you buy?What did you buy?
[18:59.17]I bought a jacket.I bought a tie.I went on a trip.
[19:07.38]Did you have fun?Did you have fun?
[19:09.75]The weatherwas great.There was lotsof sun.
[19:37.36]11.Let's sing.I went on a Holiday
[19:48.55]I went on a holiday.I went on a plane.I took many picturesThere never was rain.
[19:57.19]I ate many foods.I played in thesun.
[20:01.74]I shopped for newthings.I had lots of fun.
[20:13.49]12.Story time.
[20:18.51]I lost my friend atthe museum.What's his name?Her name is Zip.
[20:26.03]How tall is she?I think she's55 cm.
[20:31.52]She's shorterthan me.What was shewearing?
[20:36.24]She wore a yellowand blue T-shirt.Where are youstaying?
[20:41.70]We are staying atthe Holiday Hotel.Someone called herefrom that hotel.
[20:48.10]She said she losta friend namedZoom.
[20:51.60]Is that your name?Yes,it is.I'm happy she's notlost.
[20:59.81]Fine.Your friendwill come here topick you up.
[21:03.57]She's afraid you'llbe lost again.Oh-oh.
[21:19.16]Recycle 21.Let's read.
[21:23.70]循环 2朗读
[21:28.23]Good morning,boysand girls.It is the end of theschool year.
[21:32.88]We're going to havea farewell partynext Sunday.
[21:36.40]Would you like toperform atthe party?Sure.
[21:40.66]I can sing songs.I can play thepiano.I can play erhu.
[21:47.51]What can you do,Mike?Let me see.
[21:51.27]I can do Chinesekung fu.How about you,Miss White?
[21:57.17]I can dance.Let's invite yourparents to theparty.
[22:10.08]3.Listen,write,match and say.Sarah keeps adiary.
[22:18.07]Listen and fill inthe blanks.
[22:22.90]June 5thDear diary,
[22:26.56]I am sad.I am goingback to America nextmonth.
[22:31.44]I will leave Chinaand all my friends.We'll have a partynext Sunday.
[22:37.71]I am excited.Everyone is goingto bring gifts.
[22:42.57]I am also going togive five gifts.Johnlikes collectingstamps.
[22:48.95]I will give him asmall stamp fromAmerica.
[22:53.73]Mike likes play theviolin.I will givehim a CD with violinmusic
[23:01.02]Chen Jie likesdrawing pictures.I will give hersome coloured pencils.
[23:08.75]Wu Yifan likesmaking things
[23:12.48]He is going tobe a scientistin the future.
[23:15.98]I will give him abook about ThomasEdison.I'm sure hewill like that.
[23:22.93]I don't want to saygoodbye to myfriends.
[23:32.31]5.Listen and write.
[24:03.24]It's time to saygoodbye to China.
[24:06.53]It's time to saygoodbye to my friends.Goodbye to the pandas.Goodbye to the noodles
[24:15.46]Goodbye to Chinaand friends.It's time to saygoodbye to China.
[24:23.93]It's time to saygoodbye to myfriends.
[24:27.72]I studied hard,I learned Chniese,Goodbye to Chinaand friends.
[24:37.41]It's time to saygoodbye to China.
[24:41.69]It's time to saygoodbye to myfriends.
[24:46.03]Goodbye to themountains.Goodbye to the kites.
[24:51.67]Goodbye to Chinaand friends.
[25:19.36]6.Let's read
[25:32.03]Hello.Who's that?Hello.This isLiu Yun speaking.I have a cold.
[25:39.34]I can't go to theparty.I am sorry to hearthat.
[25:43.91]How do you feel?I have a sorethroat.
[25:48.54]I hope you will getbetter soon.Thank you.
[25:52.14]Is everybody havinga good time?Yes.Zhang Peng isplaying the piano.
[25:58.18]Chen Jie and Mikeare singing.
[26:01.10]John is dancing.Ed is opening apresent.
[26:03.18]约翰在跳舞.Ed 在拆礼物.
[26:05.26]Amy and Wu Yifanare playing games.I want to come,too.
[26:10.25]Don't be sad.We will giveyou a surprise.
[26:14.19]Really?What willthat be?
[26:16.72]Just wait and see.Get well soon.
[26:20.38]Thank you againand say hello tomy friends.Bye.
[26:30.52]9.PronunciationWu Yifan isreading sometongue twisters.
[26:37.73]Would you like tojoin him?
[26:40.03]Get in groups andsee how many tonguetwisters you canread in one minute.
[26:47.97]We went to Spainin the rain,and toFrance to buy pants.
[27:03.12]We ate turkey inTurkey and boughtchina in China.
[27:18.14]We bought fans inJanpan and a dollyin Bali.
[27:35.90]12.Let's sing.
[27:38.93]We're going-back
[27:45.78]We're going-backWe're sorry to say
[27:49.35]we're go-ing backhome next Sun-dayor Mon-day.
[27:56.51]We have to saygood-bye.We have to leavethis place.
[28:03.67]We have to leaveour friends.We'll remem-berevery face.
[28:10.75]We'll remem-berevery face.
[28:22.69]13.Let's read
[28:29.40]May I come in?Just a minute.
[28:34.18]Hi!Miss White!Yes,it's me.And me.
[28:41.83]It's so nice tosee you all.Come in please.
[28:45.78]How are you today?I feel much better.Here is a book ofstamps.
[28:51.29]I know you likecollecting stamps.Thank you.
[28:54.79]This is a smallgift from me.I hope you like it.I wrote a poem.
[29:00.54]I hope you like it.Thank you.This is abook about panda.Thank you so much.
[29:08.01]Let's take apicture together!Great!Cheese!
[29:19.01]14.Story time.
[29:25.96]I have some goodnews and some badnews.What is it?
[29:31.68]I'm going awayfor a long time.I'm sorry tohear that.
[29:38.31]Where are yougoing?America.My father hasa new job there.
[29:44.82]This is good newsfor your father.
[29:48.37]It is sad newsfor me.Me,too.
[29:52.76]Will you be goingto a new school?I will be going toa new middle school.
[29:59.44]I'll be in grade 7.Will you promise towrite to me?
[30:04.43]Of course.Take care.Take care.
[30:19.38]Appendix 1THE THREELITTLE PIGS
[30:22.93]附录 1三只小猪
[30:26.48]Once upon a time,there were threelittle pigs,
[30:31.29]named Pete,Pat and Paul.They werebrothers.
[30:37.35]One day, theyleft theirmother's house.
[30:41.53]It was winter.They wanted tobuild a new house.They met a man.
[30:48.92]He had straw to sell.
[30:53.99]Can I pleasebuy your straw?Sure. What for?
[30:59.92]I am going to builda house with it.Straw is not strong.That's OK.
[31:07.39]I need a housebefore winter.Pete built hishouse of straw.
[31:16.82]Pat met a man.He sold sticks.
[31:22.98]Can I please buyyour sticks?Sure. What for?
[31:28.10]I am going to builda house with it.Sticks are notstrong.
[31:33.62]That's OK. I needa house beforewinter.
[31:40.07]Pat built hishouse of sticks.Paul met a man.He sold bricks.
[31:49.60]Can I please buyyour bricks?Sure. What for?
[31:55.19]I am going to builda house with it.Great! Bricks arevery strong.
[32:02.32]It is hard work tobuild a house ofbricks.
[32:05.77]Bricks are veryheavy.
[32:09.09]Bricks are heavierthan straw andsticks.
[32:12.17]Brick houses areharder than strawhouses and stickhouses.
[32:18.10]The man gave Paulthe bricks.Paul built hishouse of bricks.
[32:24.71]A hungry wolf cameout of the woods.He went to thefirst house.
[32:31.22]It was madeof straw.Little Pig,Little Pig.
[32:36.39]Let me in!No way! No way!Not by the hairon my chin.
[32:42.34]Then I will blowyour house down.The wolf blew thestraw house down.
[32:51.04]Pete ran to Pat'shouse. The wolf wentto the second house.
[32:57.55]It was madeof sticks.Little Pig,Little Pig.
[33:02.07]Let me in!No way! No way!Not by the hairon my chin.
[33:08.52]Then I will blowyour house down.The wolf blew thestick house down.
[33:16.64]Pete and Pat ranto Paul's house.The wolf came tothe brick house.
[33:24.24]Little Pig,Little Pig.Let me in!
[33:28.50]No way! No way!Not by the hairon my chin.
[33:32.60]Then I will blowyour house down.The wolf blew andblew.
[33:41.96]The house would notcome down. He blewharder.
[33:47.28]The house would notcome down. The wolfclimbed on the topof the house.
[33:54.76]He fell down thechimney. He fellinto a fire.Hurray!
[34:11.16]LITTLE RED-CAPOnce upon a time,there was a prettylittle girl.
[34:19.57]She wore alittle red cap.It was from hergrandmother.
[34:26.05]The girl lovedthe cap very much.She was alwayswearing it.
[34:33.18]Since then,she was called"Little Red-Cap".
[34:37.70]One day, her mothercalled her from thegarden.
[34:44.41]Little Red-Cap.Yes, mom.
[34:47.78]Here is a piece ofsweet cake and somemedicine.
[34:51.36]Please take themto your grandmother.Sure!
[34:54.92]Don't run offthe path.Don't go into thewoods.
[34:58.68]It's dangerous.Walk nicely anddon't break thebottle.
[35:03.77]Don't forget tosay,"Good morning!"to your grandmother.
[35:08.37]Yes, mom.I will be careful.Little Red-Cap setout.
[35:14.90]She was so excited.She saw the woods.She wanted to gointo the woods.
[35:23.23]She forgot hermother's words.What's in thewoods?
[35:28.72]I'd like to see thetrees and the birds.She went into thewoods.
[35:35.09]She saw a wolf.Good morning,Little Red-Cap.Good morning, Wolf.
[35:43.95]Where are yougoing?I am going to mygrandmother's house.
[35:49.90]What are you taking?I have cake andmedicine for mygrandmother.
[35:56.64]Where does yourgrandmother live?Her house is far.
[36:01.40]She lives near themountain.
[36:03.62]See Little Red-Cap,how pretty theflowers are!
[36:07.85]Look round.You can hear thesweet little birds.They're singing.
[36:13.75]I think you can takesome flowers foryour grandmother.Good idea.
[36:20.73]Little Red-Cappicked flowers.
[36:23.73]The wolf ranto the grandmother'shouse.
[36:27.34]He knocked atthe door.Who is there?
[36:32.67]Little Red-Cap.It's me,grandmother.
[36:36.48]I have some cakefor you. Open thedoor please.Come in.
[36:43.35]I am in bed.The wolf wentinto the house.
[36:49.83]Good morning,grandmother.What a strangevoice you have,
[36:54.90]Little Red-Cap.I have a cold, too.My throat is sore.I am sorry.
[37:05.24]The wolf jumped tothe bed and ategrandmother.
[37:10.78]He went intograndmother's bed.Little Red-Cap cameto the house.
[37:17.83]She went intothe house.She was very quiet.
[37:23.42]Good morning,grandmother.Good morning,my dear.
[37:28.52]What a strangevoice you have,grandmother!
[37:32.54]I have a cold.My throat is sore.Little Red-Capwent to the bed.
[37:40.40]She saw the wolf.She was surprised.What big eyes youhave, grandmother!
[37:48.86]I can see youbetter.
[37:51.48]What big earsyou have,grandmother!
[37:55.06]I can hearyou better.
[37:57.75]What largehands you have,grandmother!
[38:01.51]I can hug youbetter.
[38:04.93]What big teethyou have,grandmother!
[38:08.90]I can eatyou better.The wolf jumpedout of the bed.
[38:15.98]He ate LittleRed-Cap.He went to sleep.
[38:21.28]A hunter cameto grandmother'shouse.
[38:24.97]How does the oldwoman feel now?
[38:27.74]Is she better?I must go andsee her.
[38:31.58]He went tograndmother's bed.
[38:34.63]He didn't seegrandmother.He saw the wolf.He cut the wolf.
[38:41.89]Grandmother andLittle Red-Capjumped out of thewolf's stomach.
[38:48.14]Thank you,Mr Hunter.
[38:49.89]I will never bymyself go intothe woods again.
[38:55.40]Thank youfor helping us.
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