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(三年级起点)2012江苏译林版小学英语 五年级上册
[00:02.16]Unit 4 Hobbies第四单元 兴趣爱好
[00:05.94]Story time故事时间
[00:10.89]I like playing basketball and football.我喜欢打篮球,踢足球。
[00:15.01]I can play basketball well, 我打篮球打得很好,
[00:18.20]but I am not good at football.但是我不擅长足球。
[00:22.01]I like drawing too. 我也喜欢画画。
[00:24.92]I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim 我通常跟我的弟弟蒂姆一起在公园里画画。
[00:30.10]This is my friend Liu Tao. 这是我的朋友刘涛,
[00:33.10]He likes playing football too. He is good at it.他也喜欢踢足球,他擅长踢足球。
[00:38.43]He also likes playing table tennis.他也喜欢打乒乓球。
[00:44.93]This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. 这是杨玲,她也是我的朋友。
[00:50.14]She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books. 她喜欢看故事,她有很多书。
[00:56.83]She also likes playing the piano.她也喜欢弹钢琴。
[01:08.59]Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins.这是苏海和苏扬,她们是双胞胎。
[01:14.96]Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. 苏海喜欢跳舞,苏扬喜欢看电影。
[01:20.95]They both like swimming她们都喜欢游泳。
[01:36.94]play the piano弹钢琴
[01:47.78]watch films看电影
[01:52.60]Sound time发音时间
[01:54.59]y year yellow yes you youn年 黄色(的) 是的 你(们) 年轻的
[02:14.82]Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes!
[02:19.21]I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, And a yellow dress!(歌曲)
[02:41.01]Song time歌曲时间
[02:44.22]We all like climbing我们都喜欢攀登
[02:51.39]We all like climbing very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
[02:56.16]We all like climbing very much. Let's go and climb today.
[03:06.26]We all like dancing very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
[03:10.11]We all like dancing very much. Let's go and dance today.
[03:19.58]We all like swimming very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
[03:24.62]We all like swimming very much. Let's go and swim today.(歌曲)
[03:31.98]Cartoon time卡通时间
[03:34.90]Sam and Billy talk about their hobbies.萨姆和比利谈论他们的爱好。
[03:39.43]What do you like doing in winter, Sam?萨姆,你在冬天喜欢做什么?
[03:44.00]I like skating. I can skate very well.我喜欢滑冰,我滑得很好。
[03:51.73]I can skate very well too.我也滑得很好。
[03:58.12]Sam has an idea.萨姆有一个主意。
[04:01.64]Let's go skating this afternoon.咱们今天下午去滑冰吧。
[04:04.87]That's a great idea!那是一个好主意!
[04:08.89]Sam and Billy skate on the ice.萨姆和比利在冰上滑冰。
[04:16.41]You're really good at skating, Billy.比利,你确实擅长滑冰。
[04:20.84]Yes. I like skating.是的,我喜欢滑冰。
[04:28.19]There is a hole in the ice..在冰上有一个洞,
[04:31.70]It is behind Billy.它在比利的后面。
[04:34.05]Look out, Billy!比利,小心!
[04:45.25]Billy is cold and wet.比利又湿又冷。
[04:49.54]I don't like skating now.我现在不喜欢滑冰了。
[04:53.96]Checkout time检测时间
[04:57.05]Listen and judge听录音,做判断(听力练习)
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