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[00:01.52]Unit 11 第十一单元
[00:03.33]People and Countries 人民和国家
[00:06.21]Lesson 61 第61课
[00:08.95]A listen and number.
[00:14.34]My name is Edward.我叫爱德华.
[00:16.37]I come from Canada.我来自加拿大.
[00:18.75]I live in Toronto.我住在多伦多.
[00:21.63]It's famous for the CN Tower.它以CN塔而闻名.
[00:25.07]Tom comes from the Unites Kindom.汤姆来自英国.
[00:28.01]He lives in London.他住在伦敦.
[00:30.20]It's famous for Big Ben.它以大笨钟而闻名.
[00:34.10]Isuzu comes from Japan. Isuzu来自日本.
[00:36.85]She lives in Tokyo.她住在东京.
[00:39.26]It's famous for cherry blossoms.它以樱花而闻名.
[00:42.94]Dave comes from Australia.德夫来自澳大利亚.
[00:46.35]He lives in Sydney.他住在悉尼.
[00:48.64]It's famous for the Opera House.
[00:52.30]Nick comes from the United States.尼克来自美国.
[00:55.36]He lives in Los Angeles.他住在洛杉矶.
[00:58.48]It's famous for Disneyland .它以迪斯尼乐园而闻名.
[01:02.04]Simone comes from France.西蒙来自法国.
[01:05.43]She lives in Paris.她住在巴黎.
[01:08.23]It's famous for the Eiffel Tower.
[01:12.97]CN Tower CN塔
[01:15.20]Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔
[01:17.27]cherry blossom 樱花
[01:19.61]Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园

[01:21.58]Big Ben 大笨钟
[01:23.71]Opera House 歌剧院
[01:30.37]B Ask and answer.
[01:34.23]Where does Edward come from?爱德华来自哪个国家?
[01:36.39]He comes from Canada.他来自加拿大.
[01:38.56]Where does he live?他住在哪?
[01:40.43]He lives in Toronto.他住在多伦多.
[01:42.72]What is his city famous for?那个城市以什么而闻名?
[01:45.07]It's famous for the CN Tower.它以CN塔而闻名.
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