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[00:00.85]Unit 14 第十四单元
[00:02.54]A Great Trip
[00:04.55]Lesson 80 第80课
[00:06.52]Get ready.
[00:09.13]New words and phrases
[00:12.45]Inner mongolia 内蒙古
[00:16.14]rode horses 骑马
[00:19.27]made some new friends 交些新朋友
[00:22.74]taught English 教英语
[00:26.54]far away 远的
[00:33.71]A Listen and number.
[00:39.28]Hello.Li Fang 你好,李芳
[00:40.59]Where did you go on your vacation?
[00:43.47]I went to Inner Mongolia with my family.
[00:47.30]How did you go there?你们怎么去那儿的.
[00:49.38]We went there by train.我们坐火车去的.
[00:51.36]Did you ride horses there?你们在那儿骑马了吗?
[00:54.39]We rode horses and took many pictures.
[00:57.00]We were very happy.我们非常开心.
[00:58.81]How was your vacation.Nina?你的假期怎么样,妮娜?
[01:00.72]Where did you go?你去哪儿了?
[01:02.05]I went to Yunnan with my family.
[01:05.60]That's far away.那儿好远.
[01:07.25]How did you go there?你们怎么去的?
[01:08.98]We went there by plane .我们坐飞机去的.
[01:10.51]It was a wonderful trip!旅行棒极了!
[01:12.70]Did you meet any old friends there?
[01:15.71]No,but we made some new friends .
[01:17.97]We sang and danced together .我们一起唱歌跳舞.
[01:20.48]They taught us some Chinese.他们教我们一些汉语.
[01:22.23]We taught them some English.我们教了他们一些英语.
[01:24.11]We also bought some souvenirs before we left.
[01:32.48]B Let's talk.
[01:36.12]Hello.Li Mei,你好.李梅.
[01:37.57]Where did you go on your vacation?你假期去那了?
[01:40.09]I went to Jiuzhaigou with my family.
[01:43.47]How did you go there? 你们怎么去的?
[01:45.32]We went there by train.我们坐火车去的.
[01:47.38]Did you see monkeys there?你们那儿看到猴子了吗?
[01:49.10]No.but we saw some squirrels and birds there.
[01:52.44]Did you have fun there?你们玩的开心吗?
[01:53.91]Yes.we had a lot of fun.是的,我们玩得很开心.
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