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[00:08.97]Read and stick on the map.
[00:12.99]Asia is the biggest continent.亚洲是最大的洲.
[00:16.18]It has the most land and the largest population.
[00:20.74]Stick a panda on Asia.在亚洲上贴一只大熊猫.
[00:24.28]Africa is the second largest continent.
[00:28.31]It is the hottest continent in the world.
[00:31.41]It has the largest desert.它有最广阔的沙漠.
[00:33.99]Stick a camel on Africa.在非洲上贴一只骆驼.
[00:37.67]Oceania is the smallest continent in the world.
[00:42.04]It's the only continent with water all around it
[00:46.38]Stick a koala on Oceania.在大洋洲上贴一只树袋熊.
[00:49.59]Europe is next to Asia.欧洲挨着亚洲.
[00:52.01]There are many countries in Europe,
[00:54.30]such as France,Germany,Spain and the UK and...
[01:01.04]Stick a butterfly on Europe.
[01:04.12]North America and South America are neighbours.
[01:07.91]There are mainly three countries in North
[01:11.33]They are Canada,the United States and Mexico.
[01:16.32]There are many countries in South America.
[01:19.55]Stick a bird on South America and a bear on
[01:23.30]North America.
[01:25.94]Can you name some countries in each continent?
[01:28.97]What language do people speak there?
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