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[00:07.03]Get ready.
[00:11.95]composed镇静的 national国歌 anthem颂歌
[00:15.18]composed music
[00:17.84]sang Peking operas 唱京剧
[00:20.40]painted shrimps
[00:22.72]invented the light bulb 发明电灯泡
[00:25.21]wrote stories 写故事
[00:27.79]Why is Hans Christian Andersen famous?
[00:31.25]He is famous because he wrote many stories for
[00:38.85]Listen and match.
[00:42.38]Do you know Thomas Edison?你知道爱迪生吗?
[00:45.38]Yes,I do.
[00:46.62]He was a famous inventor.他是一个著名的发明家.
[01:58.42][01:36.33][01:23.97][01:11.84][00:59.84][00:48.28]Why is he famous?他为什么著名?
[00:49.72]He is famous because he invented the light bulb.
[00:53.40]Do you know Hans Christian Andersen?
[00:57.34]He was a famous writer.他是一个著名的作家.
[01:01.63]He is famous because he wrote many stories for
[01:06.18]Do you know Mei Lanfang?你知道梅兰芳吗?
[01:10.16]He was a famous actor.他是一个著名的演员.
[01:13.15]He is famous because he sang many Peking operas.
[01:50.30][01:19.32]Do you know Qi Baishi?你知道齐白石吗?
[01:21.38]Yes.He was a famous artist.知道.他是著名的艺术家
[01:26.26]He is famous because he painted shrimps.
[01:32.45]Do you know Beethoven?你知道贝多芬吗?
[01:34.06]Yes.He was a composer.知道.他是一个作曲家.
[01:37.68]He is famous because he composed great music.
[01:52.29]Yes.He was a Chinese artist.他是中国的艺术家.
[01:54.91]When was he born?他什么时候出生?
[01:56.15]He was born in 1864.他在1864年出生.
[01:59.70]He is famous because he painted shrimps.
[02:12.13]Let's read.
[02:15.32]Do you know about Helen Keller?
[02:17.89]She was born in the United States in 1880.
[02:22.11]When she was one year old she was very sick.
[02:26.20]After the sickness she couldn't hear or see.
[02:30.34]She also could not speak.
[02:32.82]Often she was sad.
[02:35.21]When she was seven years old,
[02:37.12]Annie Sullivan became her teacher.
[02:40.38]First,Helen learned some words.
[02:43.25]Then she started to read and write.
[02:46.26]Finally she learned to talk.
[02:48.97]Helen was very hardworking.
[02:52.04]When she was 18 she went to university.
[02:56.17]She is famous because she helped many other
[02:58.75]blind and deaf people.
[03:01.28]She is also famous because she wrote many books.
[03:10.19]Let's talk
[03:12.53]This is Li Bai.
[03:14.17]He was born in 701.
[03:16.53]He was a famous Chinese poet.
[03:18.83]He is famous because he wrote a lot of beautiful
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