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[00:06.98]Let's read.
[00:08.87]Li Bai 李白
[00:10.33]Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese poets.
[00:14.42]He lived in the Tang Dynasty.他生活在唐朝.
[00:17.06]Li Bai was born in 701 in Central Asia.
[00:21.99]In 705,his family moved back to China and lived
[00:26.31]in Sichuan.
[00:27.74]He wrote many beautiful poems in his life.
[00:30.99]He died in 762.
[00:34.29]Shining on my bed is the moonlight,
[00:37.46]It looks like frost on the ground bright and
[00:41.65]I look up at the full moon clear and quiet,
[00:45.17]Thinking of home in the lonely night.
[00:48.66]Mother Goose
[00:50.38]She is not a mother:She is not a goose.
[00:53.88]She's not a real person but she is the world's
[00:57.31]most famous poet.
[00:59.56]Many young children know the famous short poems
[01:02.49]called nursery rhymes.
[01:05.33]In America,nursery rhymes were called"Mother
[01:10.15]Sometimes the characters in the poems are funny.
[01:13.72]Sometimes the rhymes are about animals.
[01:16.84]Sometimes they are about children or old people.
[01:20.76]People young and old enjoy these famous nursery
[01:26.01]Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
[01:28.50]Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
[01:31.50]All the king's horses and all the king's men
[01:35.00]couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
[01:42.35]Collect and read.
[01:45.45]Good night,sleep tight.
[01:47.54]Wake up bright in the morning light.
[01:49.99]To do what's right with all your might.
[01:58.09]Try to say.
[02:05.55]I have a niece
[02:06.78]Who ate a piece
[02:07.88]Who ate a piece of pie.
[02:10.52]The piece of pie that my niece ate was a pie as
[02:13.86]big as the sky.
[02:16.18]Do you believe that my niece ate a piece of pie
[02:19.16]that went up to the sky?
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