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[00:07.27]Let's read.
[00:10.17]Thomas Edison
[00:12.71]Thomas Edison was one of America's most famous
[00:17.39]Edison was born in 1847.
[00:20.77]He was born in the state of Ohio,USA.
[00:25.02]There were seven children in the Edison family.
[00:28.37]He was a smart boy.
[00:30.42]He always tried to teach himself.
[00:33.35]He read many books and did many experiments.
[00:37.71]Thomas's school teachers said he always asked
[00:40.60]too many questions.
[00:42.78]Thomas left school and his mother and father
[00:45.83]were his teachers at home.
[00:48.80]Thomas's mother and father loved to read,
[00:51.96]so their son Edison loved to read,too.
[00:55.30]When he was nine years old,
[00:57.82]his mother gave Thomas a science book.
[01:00.91]Thomas learned to do many experiments at home.
[01:04.37]He always collected and bought many things for
[01:07.71]his experiments.
[01:09.55]When he was ten,Thomas built a science lab in
[01:12.76]his house.
[01:14.88]When Thomas Edison was 15 years old,
[01:17.97]he tried to jump on a train.
[01:20.29]A man pulled his ears and gave Thomas a bad
[01:24.28]He could not hear very well.
[01:26.69]He did not want to go and see the doctor.
[01:29.63]Thomas said"Because I cannot hear well,
[01:32.94]I can work harder to invent things."
[01:36.42]Edison was most famous for the first light bulb.
[01:39.89]He worked on many other inventions,too.
[01:43.01]He tried to make telephones better.
[01:45.75]He invented a machine for showing movies.
[01:48.81]His favourite invention was the phonograph.
[01:52.85]He loved to listen to music.
[01:55.13]Edison invented many things.
[01:57.74]Edison also invented the first"invention factory
[02:02.14]Thomas made his first invention when he was 22
[02:05.19]years old.
[02:06.49]He died at the age of 84.
[02:09.30]He made 1093 inventions in his lifetime.
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