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[00:01.41]Unit 10 第十单元
[00:02.51]All Around Me 我的周围
[00:04.47]Lesson 57 第57课
[00:06.19]A Listen and number.
[00:12.79]Good evening Elliot.晚上好.艾略特.
[00:15.20]Good evening.Ted.晚上好.特德.
[00:17.20]Elliot ,this is Bill.艾略特,这是比尔.
[00:18.87]He's from China ,他来自中国.
[00:20.14]He'll stay with family for six monthes,
[00:22.95]Bill.this is Elliot,our neighbour.
[00:25.65]He lives in the red house beside ours.
[00:28.40]Nice to meet you见到你很高兴.
[00:30.07]Nice to meet you.too 见到你也很高兴.
[00:32.67]Ted ,can you help me with this math problem?
[00:36.33]I must hand in this homework tomorrow morning.
[00:39.97]Let me try .让我试试.
[00:41.78]Mm...sorry.嗯,对不起. I can't do it .我不会做.
[00:44.32]Bill, can you help?比尔,你可以帮忙吗?
[00:46.12]Sure.Can you pass me a ruler and a pencil,ted?
[00:49.89]Here you are .给你,
[00:51.29]Elliot,here is the way you should do it.
[00:54.37]You're really smart.你真聪明.
[00:56.12]By the way,where did you learn your English Bill
[01:00.12]At school.在学校
[01:01.67]We have English class in China在中国我们有英语课
[01:03.88]I practiced my English with my friends and
[01:05.88]classmates before I came here.
[01:08.85]You must miss them.你一定想他们了.
[01:10.67]How do you keep in touch with them?
[01:13.73]I often Email them.我经常写电子邮件给他们.
[01:15.59]I also phone them or write letters to them.
[01:18.51]I'm going to send some postcards to them soon.
[01:21.60]That's great.那太好了.
[01:23.30]I'm not good at math.我不擅长数学.
[01:25.14]Can you help me with my math homework later?
[01:28.71]Of course.当然.
[01:29.92]Could you help me with my English?
[01:31.66]It's interesting but not easy for me.
[01:34.47]I'd like to.我很愿意.
[01:35.75]Let's help each other.让我们相互帮助.
[01:41.72]C Read and match.
[01:45.74]Feb 25th 2006 2006年2月25日
[01:51.41]Dear Jane.亲爱的简
[01:52.61]How are you doing?最近好吗?
[01:54.22]I am enjoying my new school,Willow Primary.
[01:57.49]There are two buildings.这里有两栋大楼.
[01:59.47]The smaller one is our gym.
[02:01.54]The bigger one is our classroom building.
[02:03.88]My classroom is on the third floor.
[02:06.32]We have English ,math,science,music and PE at
[02:11.70]We also study French.我们也学习法语.
[02:14.32]Well,please write and tell me everything going
[02:17.51]on back home.
[02:18.96]Bill 比尔
[02:23.00]Feb 25th 2006 2006年2月25日
[02:26.97]Dear Mum 亲爱的妈妈
[02:28.05]How are you? 你好吗?
[02:29.29]I miss you and Dad a lot.我很想你和爸爸.
[02:31.33]Here is a postcard of the city of Toronto.
[02:34.59]Can you give it to my friend Jim?
[02:36.85]He asked me for a postcard of the CN Tower
[02:40.05]before I came to Canada.
[02:42.49]The tallest building in the picture is the
[02:44.48]CN Tower.
[02:46.24]I lost Jim's address.我丢了吉姆的地址.
[02:48.64]Can you ask him and tell me his email address.
[02:52.26]I really want to keep in touch with him.
[02:55.30]Thank you ,Mum谢谢.妈妈.
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