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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 A
[00:12.00]Unit 14 We love to play games.
[00:20.79]1.Listen,look and write.
[00:26.83]Listen very carefully.
[00:29.89]Our ship is leaving soon.
[00:32.96]We are going around the world.
[00:36.03]Anyone of you can go,
[00:38.61]but you can only go to your own rooms.
[00:45.50]2.Listen,colour and draw.
[00:52.15]There was a beautiful day.这是美丽的一天.
[00:55.01]Sam,Tom and some other children went to a big
[01:01.76]The sun was shining.太阳照耀着.
[01:04.73]Sam and Tom were playing football.
[01:09.00]Can you see Jane?你能看到简吗?
[01:10.99]She was looking at the flowers.她在赏花.
[01:13.92]Yes,I can see her now.是的,我现在看到她了.
[01:17.92]Please colour one flower yellow
[01:21.70]and one flower red.
[01:31.34]Now let's see.现在我们来看看.
[01:33.32]Where's May?梅在哪儿?
[01:35.52]I can't see her.我看不到她.
[01:38.60]What's she wearing?她穿的什么?
[01:40.53]She's wearing a pink dress and a white hat.
[01:44.83]Ah,I see her now.啊,我现在看到她了.
[01:48.53]She is playing a game with Jim.她在和吉姆玩游戏.
[01:52.06]Yes,that's her. 是的,那是她.
[01:53.85]Please draw a hat for Jim,he's hot,too.
[02:03.47]Good,can you see a boy in the water?
[02:07.11]Yes,he is swimming.是的,他在游泳.
[02:10.50]Right,draw a fish in front of the boy
[02:13.21]and draw a ball behind the boy.
[02:15.58]Wait a minute,what did you say?等等,你说什么?
[02:17.94]I said,draw a fish in front of the boy
[02:21.18]and draw a ball behind the boy.
[02:31.40]Should I colour the ball?我可以给球涂上颜色吗?
[02:33.51]Yes,you can colour the ball blue.
[02:42.57]You can colour the fish red.你可以把鱼涂上红色.
[02:47.89]Oh,there is a monkey on the tree.哦,树上一只猴子
[02:52.64]He is picking the coconuts.他在摘椰子.
[02:55.75]He is throwing the coconuts on the ground.
[02:59.58]Can I colour the monkey brown?
[03:02.47]Yes,please draw a monkey on another tree.
[03:06.96]OK,I like drawing monkeys.好的,我喜欢画猴子.
[03:12.66]Can you see a starfish on the island?
[03:16.34]Yes,should I draw another starfish?
[03:20.77]Yes,please draw two more starfish on the island,
[03:24.76]colour one green and one black.
[03:27.84]Alright,colour one green and one black.
[03:35.56]Oh,that's a beautiful picture now.
[03:39.59]Yes,I like this picture
[03:41.38]and I like my drawing too.
[03:46.78]8.Listen,read and act.
[03:51.98]The story of stone soup
[03:57.54]Many years ago,
[03:59.25]the weather was once very bad for a whole year.
[04:04.17]People had very little food.
[04:07.47]So they always hid their food when strangers
[04:10.27]came.They didn't want to share their food
[04:14.17]with the strangers.
[04:16.44]One day a man came to the village with a very
[04:20.30]big pot.
[04:22.41]He put the pot on the ground,
[04:24.72]and people quickly came up to him.
[04:28.93]Please go away.
[04:31.09]We don't have any food.
[04:34.85]You'd better move on.
[04:37.54]Maybe you can find food n the next village.
[04:44.73]We are also hungry.
[04:47.23]We can't give you any food.
[04:50.73]Please go away quickly.
[04:53.25]We have no food for you.
[04:58.59]Don't worry.I have everything I need.
[05:03.00]I was just thinking of making some stone soup
[05:07.82]to share with all of you.
[05:11.62]So he got some water in the pot
[05:14.74]and made a fire under the pot.
[05:17.93]Then he put two stones in the pot.
[05:21.77]After some time,
[05:23.45]he tasted the stone soup and said loudly.
[05:28.80]Ah,it's very tasty.
[05:31.96]Of course,stone soup with beans.
[05:36.25]That would taste better.
[05:39.55]Soon a villager ran back home and brought back
[05:42.86]some beans and gave them to the stranger.
[05:47.66]Here you are!These are the beans.
[05:51.98]Thanks very much.
[05:53.72]Now I'm putting the beans in .
[05:58.41]Let's see what the soup tastes like.
[06:02.35]Ah,it's very good.
[06:06.75]But once I had the soup with a little meat in it
[06:12.43]and it tasted great.
[06:16.45]Soon another villager ran back home
[06:19.69]and quickly brought some meat and gave it
[06:22.59]to the stranger.
[06:26.09]Here you are!You can put the meat in the soup.
[06:32.12]Thank you very much.
[06:34.25]Now I'm sure it tastes much better.
[06:39.21]Mmm,yummy!I remember the soup I had in the past
[06:46.99]was very colourful.
[06:49.68]If we could have some different coloured
[06:52.53]vegetables,it would look nicer and,of course,
[06:57.01]taste much better.
[06:59.51]It would be a soup fit for a king and queen.
[07:05.34]Many villagers went back and they brought back
[07:08.62]different coloured vegetables
[07:10.55]and gave them all to the stranger.
[07:14.64]Here are some carrots and tomatoes!
[07:19.71]Here are some peas and potatoes!
[07:24.73]Here are some sausages and eggs!
[07:28.86]Here are some onions and a chicken!
[07:33.21]The stranger put all the vegetables in the pot
[07:36.21]together with the eggs and the chicken.
[07:40.13]And he asked all the villagers to take a bowl
[07:43.25]and taste the stone soup.
[07:46.78]Wow,it's great!
[07:53.95]Yes,it's excellent!
[07:58.11]After the stranger was gone,
[08:00.54]all the villagers wondered why he could make
[08:03.44]such wonderful soup.
[08:10.97]Read Aloud
[08:14.69]Daisy,what made you so happy?
[08:20.06]I've got good scores for my homework.
[08:23.90]What made you so sad?
[08:27.81]I've lost my robot.
[08:30.42]Is this your robot?
[08:34.00]Oh,yes,you've made me happy again.
[08:37.60]Thank you!
[08:39.72]You're welcome.
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