• 喜羊羊和灰太狼
  • 巧虎
  • 熊出没
  • 朵拉
  • 米老鼠和唐老鸭
  • 奥特曼
  • 智慧树
  • 猫和老鼠
  • 海绵宝宝
  • 蜘蛛侠
  • 哆啦A梦
  • 英蕊幼儿英语
  • 天线宝宝
  • 蓝猫
  • 三字经
  • 虹猫蓝兔
  • 小熊维尼
  • 芭比
  • 星际宝贝
  • 蜡笔小新
  • 白雪公主
  • 灰姑娘
  • 圣诞节
  • 新年儿歌


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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 A
[00:12.55]Unit 15 How to ask questions
[00:20.75]1.Listen,match, read and answer.
[00:27.30]Today is Saturday.今天是星期六.
[00:29.72]Many children are in the market
[00:32.26]which is only for children.
[00:35.92]There are all kinds of things for children
[00:38.97]to buy. Such as pet animals,balloons,
[00:46.50]DVDs and CDs,books,magazines and newspaper,toys,
[00:58.07]fruits,flowers, drinks,food,and so on.
[01:06.97]Look,Mary is talking to William.
[01:10.28]Which one is Mary?哪个是玛丽?
[01:12.59]Can't you see her?你看不到她吗?
[01:14.20]She is holding a letter in her hand
[01:16.22]and she is talking to William.
[01:19.06]Who is William?谁是威廉?
[01:21.50]William is holding some beautiful flowers,
[01:24.25]he is walking towards Mary.他正走向玛丽.
[01:26.44]I see.Can you see Daisy?我知道了.你能看到戴西吗?
[01:29.60]Where is she?她在哪儿?
[01:31.65]She is behind Jane.她在简的后面.
[01:33.64]She is holding two ice cream.她拿着两个冰淇淋.
[01:36.82]Why is she eating two ice cream?
[01:40.24]No,the other ice cream is for Emma
[01:43.90]who is sitting on a long chair listen to music.
[01:48.60]I see.
[01:50.09]Oh,look,Jim and Bill are very happy now.
[01:53.96]Where are they?I can't find them.
[01:56.81]They're on the ground playing with a toy train.
[02:01.82]Yes,now I can see them,but which one is Jim?
[02:06.07]Jim is in a green T-shirt,吉姆穿着绿色的T恤衫,
[02:08.19]and Bill is in a yellow T-shirt.
[02:11.11]Right,Sue and Betty are also playing,too.
[02:14.00]What are they playing with?她们在玩什么?
[02:16.40]Sue is playing with a dog,休在和一只小狗玩,
[02:17.99]but Betty is skipping a rope.但是贝蒂在跳绳.
[02:20.20]I'm sure they're having a great time.
[02:23.52]Who is the boy holding a small turtle?
[02:25.77]That's Ben,he is just bought the turtle
[02:28.21]from the pet shop.
[02:29.95]I'm sure Ben love pet animals.我肯定本喜欢宠物.
[02:32.99]That's right.说得对.
[02:34.25]Does Paul like pet animals,too?保罗也喜欢宠物吗?
[02:37.25]No,Paul loves reading books.不,保罗喜欢看书.
[02:40.14]Where is he?他在哪儿?
[02:41.98]He is standing in front of the bookshop.
[02:45.40]He is reading a book now.他现在在看书.
[02:48.43]Do you see he is going to buy a book?
[02:51.85]Sure,he always buy several books.
[02:55.16]He loves reading.Sam loves reading,too,
[02:58.85]but he loves reading magazine and newspaper.
[03:02.27]He is buying a magazine.Can you see him?
[03:05.36]Yes,Ann and Katy are buying things,too.
[03:09.16]Which is Ann and which is Katy?
[03:11.83]Ann is going to buy some fruits.安要买一些水果.
[03:14.46]Now she is standing in front of many kinds of
[03:17.16]fruits.And Katy is buying some drinks.
[03:19.84]Who are the girls talking under the big umbrella
[03:23.46]They're Jane and Jill.她们是简和吉尔.
[03:25.23]Jane is drinking orange juice,简在喝桔子汁,
[03:27.38]and Jill is eating ice cream.吉尔在吃冰淇淋.
[03:30.07]They're all having a lot of fun
[03:32.33]in the children's market.I'm sure they are.
[03:38.19]4.Listen,write, sing and answer.
[03:58.50]I had a dog whose name was Sam.
[04:02.09]I sent him to the market for a big ___.
[04:05.63]I had a dog whose name was Day.
[04:09.12]I sent him to the market for a nice ____.
[04:41.28]I had a dog whose name was Key.
[04:44.86]I sent him to the market for ______.
[04:48.21]I had a dog whose name was Kim.
[04:51.78]I sent him to the market for an _____.
[05:12.39]6.Listen,read and act.
[05:18.27]The Greatest Treasure
[05:22.10]A long time ago in China,
[05:24.94]there was a very rich man.
[05:28.17]His name was Wang.
[05:30.62]Every day he worried about his money.
[05:34.43]He didn't know what to do with the money.
[05:38.19]So he counted it every day.
[05:41.31]Though he had five lovely sons,
[05:44.40]he was too busy to play with them.
[05:48.55]Dad,can we play together?
[05:52.19]No,I can't .I'm too busy.
[05:57.76]Not far away from the rich man,
[06:00.15]there was a poor man.
[06:02.31]His name was Li.
[06:04.16]He had five daughters.
[06:07.36]He was very happy.
[06:10.17]He liked to play his flute
[06:12.60]and his daughters would sing and dance.
[06:16.10]But the rich man didn't like the music
[06:19.23]and he was very angry.
[06:23.96]Stop!Stop!I don't want to hear it.
[06:29.14]I've got an idea.
[06:31.34]If the poor man were rich,
[06:34.59]he would not have time to make so much noise.
[06:40.22]Yes!I should give him my money.
[06:45.22]So the rich man went to see the poor man.
[06:50.18]What's this?
[06:52.93]I want to give you my treasure.
[06:56.46]Please take these gold coins.
[06:59.29]Enjoy them.
[07:02.71]Wow!I'm rich now.I'm rich now.
[07:08.15]These are my gold coins.
[07:12.33]I must count them first and see how much money
[07:16.91]I have got.
[07:20.03]Daddy,can we go out and play together now?
[07:24.40]No,not today.Maybe we can play tomorrow.
[07:30.78]One day passed and another day passed.
[07:35.03]He still didn't have the time to play
[07:37.56]with his daughters.
[07:39.50]The house was very quiet now.
[07:42.24]There was no music or dancing.
[07:46.71]Dad,will you please play your fulte,
[07:49.01]so we can sing and dance together?
[07:52.12]No,I can't.I'm too busy to play with you.
[07:57.32]I'm counting the gold coins now.
[08:02.26]Dad,you have no love for us now.
[08:05.67]Dad,I won't play with you any more.
[08:09.44]Dad,you are not a good dad any more.
[08:13.62]Suddenly the poor man stopped counting
[08:16.86]and laughted loudly.
[08:19.18]He threw the coins on the ground.
[08:23.50]My daughters are right.
[08:26.11]I should not have this money.
[08:29.65]Now I know what I must do with this money.
[08:33.83]I must give it back.
[08:36.88]Wait a minute.
[08:38.88]But I must also give them something.
[08:44.24]Li thought hard and worked hard for the whole
[08:47.41]night.The next morning,Li took the coins
[08:52.13]and some flutes to see Wang.
[08:56.63]Hello!Here are your gold coins.
[08:59.83]I don't want them any more.
[09:02.74]Please take them back.
[09:04.86]But,I also have some presents for you.
[09:08.75]Open them please.
[09:14.87]Yes,I want you to play the flute
[09:18.21]with your children and enjoy your life.
[09:22.90]Thank you very much.
[09:25.39]We can all play the flutes now
[09:29.08]and let's be friends.
[09:32.25]They all played the flutes and sang and danced
[09:36.02]happily ever after.
[09:43.64]Read Aloud
[09:48.17]Where does Miss Wang live?
[09:52.05]How do you spell Green?
[09:56.72]Where's the library?
[10:00.43]What books did you buy?
[10:03.76]What is the first day of the week?
[10:08.89]What is your favourite colour?
[10:12.77]How old is Emma now?
[10:16.98]Have you ever been to Wuhan?
[10:21.55]Have you ever been to the US?
[10:25.95]How many people are there in your family?
[10:31.51]Who is the oldest person in your family?
[10:36.75]Have you got an English name?
[10:41.43]How did you go to the zoo yesterday?
[10:46.50]Is your school far from your home?
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