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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 B
[00:10.69]Unit 6 第六单元
[00:14.68]How tall are you? 你多高?
[00:17.60]3.Let's chant.
[00:27.11]How tall are you?你多高?
[00:32.20]I really don't know.我确实不知道.
[00:37.94]Let me measure your height.I can tell you.
[00:50.40]How tall is he?他多高?
[00:55.39]I really don't know.我确实不知道.
[01:00.69]Let me measure his height.I can tell you.
[01:15.09]5.Listen,read and act.
[01:20.91]Hi!Bob!I haven't seen you for a long time!
[01:24.14]You look taller and stronger now.
[01:27.25]Really?I should be taller and stronger now.
[01:31.36]Where have you been?
[01:33.45]I've been to a winter camp,
[01:35.28]and we did a lot of body-building work.
[01:38.79]Of course,I can see that.
[01:41.26]Thanks,where have you been?You look taller,too.
[01:45.73]Really?I went swimming every day.
[01:48.15]But I didn't feel I was growing taller.
[01:51.28]Well,nobody does feel that.
[01:54.08]But lots of body movement helps us grow.
[01:57.74]Yes,I guess so.
[01:59.53]That's why I'm going to the sports room now.
[02:03.12]Great!So am I!Let's go there together.
[02:09.56]8.Listen,read and act.
[02:15.88]Michael Jordon loved to play basketball
[02:19.30]when he was young.
[02:21.39]He always followed his brother to the basketball
[02:24.61]court. Because he was quite short,
[02:28.68]he was often picked on by a bigger boy,
[02:31.51]whose name was Mark.
[02:34.20]What's the matter?Too short?
[02:36.66]Mark ran the ball quickly here and there and
[02:40.86]shot it into the net,the game was soon over.
[02:45.40]If I were taller,that would not happen.
[02:49.90]You played very well today.
[02:51.68]Don't worry.We'll win next time.
[02:55.24]Michael went home and saw his mum cooking
[02:57.97]in the kitchen.
[02:59.58]He sat there quietly for a minute
[03:02.35]and then asked.
[03:04.59]Mum,how can I grow taller?
[03:07.85]Salt.Put some salt in your shoes!
[03:13.62]Yes,you put salt in your shoes
[03:17.58]and you say a prayer every day
[03:20.59]and then you'll grow taller.
[03:23.37]Michael didn't understand how salt could
[03:26.18]make him grow taller.
[03:28.61]So he sat there and tired to work it out
[03:31.72]by looking.
[03:33.59]Looking at the trees and the flowers growing
[03:36.70]taller every day in the garden,
[03:39.39]Michael said to himself,
[03:42.33]"If mum can make the trees and flowers
[03:44.80]grow taller,she should also be able to make
[03:47.95]me grow taller. Maybe she is right."
[03:51.37]Mum,how long will it take?
[03:54.66]If you want it work,you should have patience
[03:58.40]and say a prayer every night.
[04:00.85]Now go and wash up.
[04:03.13]Your brother and sister are ready for dinner.
[04:07.13]Michael sat at the table but didn't eat
[04:11.46]Dad saw Michael was eating nothing and said.
[04:16.28]First things first.
[04:18.68]You should eat some vegetables.
[04:22.11]They will do you a lot of good.
[04:25.97]After dinner,Michael quickly took a shower,
[04:29.86]said a prayer and went to sleep.
[04:33.05]After that,Michael always wore his favourite
[04:36.97]shoes and said a prayer.
[04:39.21]Two months passed,
[04:40.98]Michael still didn't grow an inch.
[04:44.27]He felt very sad.
[04:46.56]His Dad came to talk to him.
[04:49.62]What's wrong,Michael?
[04:52.28]Nothing's wrong.
[04:53.78]I just want to grow taller quickly.
[04:56.95]Why do you want to be taller?
[05:00.39]I can play basketball.
[05:02.44]And I don't want to lose the game.
[05:05.96]Being taller can help you play,
[05:09.82]but determination can help you play better.
[05:14.10]If you go on practising and playing,
[05:17.55]you are sure to win.
[05:20.49]On hearing these words,Michael quickly jumped up
[05:25.87]His father didn't understand and asked.
[05:29.54]Where are you going,Michael?
[05:32.73]I've got a game.
[05:35.42]The game was almost over and it was a close tie.
[05:40.23]Then one player got hurt and couldn't play any
[05:43.99]more.It was Michael's chance.
[05:47.67]I'll do it.
[05:50.26]Hey,Michael,you want to play?
[05:53.39]You'll lose again.You're too short.
[05:57.04]Michael didn't listen to what he said
[05:59.99]and went on playing basketball.
[06:02.77]He carried the ball here and there,
[06:05.98]ran a few steps and shot the ball into
[06:09.50]the basket.
[06:11.08]Michael's team won the game.
[06:14.43]I did it.I did it.I shot the ball into the net!
[06:19.43]He shouted quickly.
[06:21.47]Everybody was very happy .
[06:25.07]From that day,mum stopped putting salt in
[06:28.49]Micheal's shoes,but Michael didn't stop working
[06:31.68]hard and he prayed every night.
[06:35.51]In the end he grew to be a 6′6″-inch-tall
[06:40.59]basketball player.
[06:47.49]Read aloud 朗读
[06:51.85]If we want to grow taller,we should...
[06:56.68]get up early 早起
[06:59.36]go to bed early 早睡
[07:02.27]go running 去跑步
[07:05.08]play football 踢足球
[07:08.18]drink milk 喝牛奶
[07:10.65]eat vegetables吃蔬菜
[07:13.78]eat an egg吃一个鸡蛋
[07:16.59]eat a chicken leg吃一个鸡腿
[07:19.79]be happy 高兴 
[07:22.29]climb a hill爬山
[07:25.05]play basketball打篮球
[07:28.28]skip a rope跳绳
[07:31.04]go swimming 去游泳
[07:33.95]take a shower 洗澡
[07:36.71]do morning exercises做晨练
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