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22 Searching for a Win-Win Solution

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名称:22 Searching for a Win-Win Solution
晨读英语美文 励志感悟
[00:00.34]Searching for a Win-Win Solution
[00:06.46]Recently I have had a dilemma I'm trying to resolve, a weekend in the near future
[00:13.36]where I have conflicting demands and values, and need to be in two places at the same time.
[00:20.36]I have agonized over this decision because my intuition is not giving me a clear answer
[00:27.91]and I haven't felt that there was a win-win solution.
[00:32.50]If I do one thing, I'm letting down a bunch of people.
[00:37.43]If I do the other, I'm also missing the mark.
[00:41.59]Either way I feel like a loser, not a winner.
[00:46.51]This morning I got an e-mail that directly addresses this dilemma:
[00:52.42]A Thinking Test
[00:54.72]You are driving along on a wild, stormy night.
[00:58.88]You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:
[01:05.44]1. An old lady who is sick and about to die.
[01:10.25]2. An old friend who once saved your life.
[01:15.07]3. The perfect man or woman you have been dreaming about.
[01:21.63]Which one would you choose to pick up, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car?
[01:29.07]The candidate who was hired simply answered:
[01:33.01]"I would give the car keys to my old friend, and let him take the lady to the hospital.
[01:39.70]I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams."
[01:45.05]Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to
[01:48.98]give up our stubborn thought limitations and think outside the box.
[01:55.00]If, like me, you are looking at a decision that makes you feel forced to choose between plan A or plan B,
[02:04.63]and neither plan by itself seems like the right decision,
[02:09.66]stretch your mind to consider plans C or D,
[02:14.91]to a third option that solves the problem in a whole new way.
[02:20.05]Believe that there is a solution you haven't yet thought of,
[02:24.98]which will enable you to feel good about your choice, and then search for what it is.
[02:31.65]You are not always the victim in life;
[02:34.72]most of the time you are the victor looking at the situation from the wrong view!
[02:41.50]The view is yours to choose.

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