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27 Redefine Yourself

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名称:27 Redefine Yourself
晨读英语美文 励志感悟

[00:07.59]Redefine Yourself
[00:12.82]How do you define yourself?
[00:16.01]As a mother,
[00:18.20]daughter, wife, friend, husband, son, teacher,
[00:20.90]student, lawyer, accountant, or any one of a myriad different titles?
[00:27.58]Or do you define yourself by others' perception of you?
[00:31.68]Do any of these come close to your own knowledge,
[00:34.30]your personal experience
[00:37.32]of whom you really are?
[00:39.37]In your quiet moments,
[00:41.96]in times of inexplicable joy,
[00:43.95]have you had the
[00:46.38]overwhelming and yet clear and lucid feeling of total invincibility
[00:49.45]—a feeling that nothing can hold you down,
[00:52.26]that you can accomplish anything and everything
[00:55.44]if you put your mind to it?
[00:57.11]Well, that feeling is not a random one.
[01:00.84]What is it that gets in the way of your exquisite power?
[01:05.00]Consider for a moment an iron bar that
[01:09.32]has magnetic power inherently in it.
[01:12.18]It will attract or repel things based on it's own intrinsic magnetism.
[01:16.97]Over time, if this bar begins to rust,
[01:21.09]its power will begin to diminish.
[01:23.66]The oxidative damage from the environment
[01:26.97]that the magnet has not been able to resist,
[01:29.91]will render it ineffective,
[01:33.53]This in no way means the iron bar is not capable of its latent,
[01:37.68]original power.
[01:39.69]All it needs to do is shed its rust.
[01:43.33]Or, consider if you will,
[01:45.21]a light bulb that is lit,
[01:47.12]but covered with soot.
[01:48.68]As long as the soot remains,
[01:50.65]it will be unable to fulfill the very purpose
[01:53.97]it was meant to serve to radiate light.
[01:56.81]According to ancient Vedic texts,
[02:00.36]this is in effect what happens to the human experience.
[02:04.11]The infinite power that is naturally present in each
[02:08.21]and every one of us by virtue of our own consciousness,
[02:11.13]can be rendered ineffective if not rendered to properly.
[02:15.68]The stress of our lifestyle,
[02:18.32]the pollution of our environment,
[02:21.17]and the collective stress of our world keeps us
[02:23.95]from functioning at our full potential.
[02:25.51]But there are remedies: incorporate modalities
[02:31.99]in your lifestyle that effectively combat stress
[02:33.97]and help keep you centered.
[02:35.64]Some of these options are:
[02:39.65]Be aware of what you eat,
[02:41.05]and what you use both on yourself,
[02:43.57]and in your environment.
[02:46.08]Choose natural, organic products.
[02:47.81]Live a life of kindness,
[02:50.75]compassion, and charity—it keeps you connected to your center,
[02:54.66]your source,
[02:55.99]that infinite reservoir within you that is your powerhouse.
[02:59.93]Don't judge people,
[03:02.03]or situations—approach each moment with the knowledge
[03:06.32]that it contains within it the potential of any number of possibilities.
[03:11.20]To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible,
[03:15.79]practice yoga and meditation.
[03:18.98]Once you are in touch with your true nature,
[03:22.35]then nothing is beyond your means—you are truly empowered.
[03:25.48]And that is an accurate definition of you!

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