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50 Anchorperson:The animals are said to have suffered

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名称:50 Anchorperson:The animals are said to have suffered
晨读英语美文 经典对白
[00:00.35]Anchorperson: The animals are said to have suffered
[00:02.62]a mild seasickness,
[00:03.65] but now are back to eating the finest calf's liver.
[00:06.17]Garfield: Oh, boy. Must be sweet. My tummy's upset.
[00:09.98]May I have some liver? Boy, I wish Jon was a queen.
[00:12.99]Maid: Housekeeping. 
[00:14.79]Garfield: Okay, blockhead, time to bust out of here and catch up with Jon.
[00:17.69] First, let's grab some chow,
[00:19.31] before I eat your liver
[00:20.95] with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
[00:23.00]Sorry, we left a bit of mess in the bath room.
[00:30.46] Thanks. Take the picture. Take the picture.
[00:34.22]Take it! Take it! Take the picture! Excuse me.
[00:36.19] Did you see a couple of people
[00:47.88] who look like they might be tourists?
[00:49.27]Oh, I know this drill. They won't crack up, no matter what you do.
[00:53.11] Hey, Freeze-Frame, your knee's on fire.
[00:56.04] Hmm. I know I can get this guy. No, seriously, your zipper's down.
[01:00.71]Hey, Dry Goods. Yeah.
[01:04.01] Anybody ever tell you look like Tina Turner?
[01:06.59]That was effective.
[01:09.96]Coachman: Her Majesty, the Queen of England! 
[01:12.43]Garfield: What's all the hubbub?
[01:13.74]Guard: Attention!
[01:15.96]Garfield: Hey, Odie, look, it's those royal corgis.
[01:19.14] Hey, lady, you got any leftover liver?
[01:23.96]Stuck-up little punk.
[01:26.64] Oh, I know she heard us.
[01:28.50]They had the top down. Odie? Odie?
[01:30.94] D'uh-oh! Odie, no!
[01:33.39]Don't do the ugly American thing!
[01:34.97]The British's coming! The British's coming!

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