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A Room of His Own(他自己的天地)

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名称:A Room of His Own(他自己的天地)
[00:05.00]We never know thelove of the parentsuntil we becomeparents ourselves.
[00:11.28]--Henry WardBeecher,Americanclergyman and orator
[00:16.55]A Room of His OwnBy Mary E. Potter
[00:21.94] 他自己的天地  玛丽·E·波特
[00:27.34]Unmistakable noisesare coming throughmy bedroom wall.
[00:32.25]Now a scuffling,now a bumping,
[00:35.27]a thumping, a long,drawn-out scraping.
[00:39.52]"John, are youmoving furniturein there? Again?"I call.
[00:45.33]The wall muffleshis "yes"
[00:47.64]but does not filterout of his voice thetinge of excitement.
[00:52.39]I am not upset bythese impulsiverearrangements,
[00:55.81]just amused at theirfrequency.
[00:58.67]I remember my ownfeelings when I was13 as he is
[01:03.56]-the startling,rapidevolution of bodyand mind andemotions,
[01:08.78]the need to inventand reinventyourself throughclothes,
[01:12.77]hairstyles and thearrangement anddecor of your room.
[01:17.63]Amid the smotheredthuds,
[01:19.52]I remember how muchJohn longed for theprivacy of his owndomain,
[01:24.69]how he took measide two years ago
[01:27.12]when he wassharing a roomwith his youngerbrother, Robert,
[01:30.57]"Mom," he said,"can I please havea room of my own?
[01:35.53]I could use Jeff's.He won't mind."
[01:38.91]It was true thatJeff had graduatedfrom college thatpast June
[01:43.39]and had flown fromthe nest.
[01:45.71]But would he mind
[01:47.00]if the place wherehe had spentcountless hoursgrowing up
[01:50.43]was yankedout from under him?
[01:52.91]Would he feel oustedfrom the family,barred from evercoming home again?
[01:58.91]But beyond hisfeelings, wouldI mind?
[02:02.54]That room was somuch a part of ourlives over the manyyears
[02:06.82]that Jeff had beenour only child.In it I had taughthim to read;
[02:12.67]we constructedarchitecturalwonders out ofblocks
[02:16.12]and set upelaboratedesks.
[02:18.72]It was where Jeffperfected hisartwork
[02:21.50]and struggledwith collegeapplications.
[02:24.69]It was the placewhere I told him athousand stories
[02:28.47]and where we had athousand talks.
[02:31.96]As close as we were,though,
[02:34.44]the time came whenJeff needed a doorbetween us,
[02:37.87]a space of his ownto grow in.
[02:40.79]The door to thatbedroom would beshut most of theevening,
[02:44.81]behind it themuffled sound of aradio
[02:47.78]or the clack of hissecondhand manualtypewriter
[02:50.59]as he banged outone of his marathonletters.
[02:54.54]I know those lettersto friends must havebeen filled withthoughts and opinions
[02:59.40]Jeff did not sharewith me.
[03:01.93]His life wasspreading intoareas
[03:04.34]that had nothing todo with home andfamily.
[03:07.92]I no longer could-or should-knoweverything abouthim.
[03:13.61]As conscientiousparents,we strive to fosterindependence.
[03:18.55]But when it happens,when you pauseoutside that door
[03:22.45]and look at theblank panels,
[03:24.31]it is always alittle unsettling.
[03:27.40]It turned out thatgetting Jeff'spermission to changethe room was easy.
[03:32.41]"Of course,"he said.
[03:34.28]"It would be selfishof me to hold on toit."
[03:36.80]Then his voicesoftened.
[03:38.67]"Mom, I won't beliving at home again-you know that."
[03:43.39]Behind his glasses,his eyes were litwith all the love
[03:47.74]that has passedbetween us over theyears.
[03:50.50]There were no doorsclosed here-they hadall opened up again.
[03:55.83]Then John and Ijumped into thetask of cleaning outclosets and drawers,
[04:00.91]dispatching all thethings Jeff had leftbehind.
[04:04.24]Play-bills andsnapshots,a witheredboutonniere,
[04:08.35]old report cardsthat stung me withpride;
[04:11.44]a stack of homemadethank-you cards
[04:13.92]from the second-gradeSpanish class Jeffvolunteered to teach
[04:18.53]Suddenly, amid allthe upheaval,my throat caught.
[04:22.30]There, in a pile ofassorted sketches,
[04:25.00]was a pencil drawingof
[04:26.46]T-Bird-Jeff's beagledead these manyyears-curled upasleep.
[04:32.50]Jeff's renderingwas so evocative
[04:34.79]I could almost feelthe dear old dog'ssatiny, warm ears.
[04:39.73]And in that room,with Jeff's thingsheaped around me,
[04:42.99]I could almost touchthe little boy Iknew was goneforever.
[04:47.71]But we accept-atleast we say we do.
[04:51.79]All of parenting isa series of lettinggo by degrees.
[04:56.35]The child walks andruns and rides abike;
[04:59.59]he is stricken withthe pangs of firstlove
[05:02.40]that we arepowerless to kissaway.
[05:05.09]Then he is drivinga car, and we arefalling asleepbefore he gets home,
[05:10.00]alert, even in ourdreams, to the soundof his motor gearingdown.
[05:16.28]I looked at the roomaround me and, in myheart, I let it go.
[05:22.11]To hold on would be,as Jeff said,selfish.
[05:26.27]Now it was time forJohn, shoulderingthrough the door
[05:30.38]with an armload ofhis things,
[05:32.17]his eyes bright withthe promise ofindependence,
[05:35.83]to disappear behindthe door.
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