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Chapter 3
Finally, they came to the city gates. The gatekeeper laughed and laughed at the people following simpleton. Ha, ha, ha! I don’t need to ask. I know why you want to come to the city. Oh? What are you talking about? Don’t you know? The king has a beautiful daughter, but she is very serous. She never laughs or smiles. If anyone can make the princess laugh, the king will let him marry her. I see. Ok, I will see the king. I can make the princess laugh. A guard took simpleton to the king’s throne room. The princess was there too.

So, my boy, who are all these people? One day, a little old man gave me this golden goose. I wanted to take her to the city to make my fortune. Last night, I stayed at an inn. One of the innkeeper’s daughters wanted a feather from my golden goose. When she touched the goose, she was stuck. Her sister tried to pull her away. Then she got stuck too. The third sister tried to pull them away. Then she got stuck. The mayor of the town tried to pull the girls away. Then he got stuck. The school teacher tried to pull the mayor away. Then she got stuck. The two farmers tried to pull the school teacher away. Then they got stuck. Now all these people have to follow me around wherever I go.

Simpleton walked around the room. All seven people followed him wherever he went. The people in the throne room laughed and laughed. It was so funny to see seven people running after the golden goose. Suddenly, someone else laughed too. The princess was laughing! Oh, my goodness. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. I can’t believe it. Hee, hee, hee! My daughter! You are smiling and laughing. I’m so glad that you are happy. Suddenly, all the people stuck to the goose let go. Hooray! We’re free again. I’m so happy. Let’s go home. So, my king, may I marry your daughter? Not yet. My daughter is very special. I want a special man to marry her. You must do something for me first. Find someone who can drink a barn full of milk. I will try. Simpleton left to find someone to drink a barn full of milk. The princess was angry with her father. Why did you tell simpleton to do that? I like him. I want to marry him.

But I don’t want you to marry him. He is a poor wood cutter. I want you to marry a prince or a rich business man. But I don’t want to marry a prince or a rich business man. I want to marry simpleton. Trust me, daughter. I know what is best for you.

Chapter 4
Simpleton went back to the woods. He wanted to find the little old man. But instead, he saw another little man. The little man was crying. What’s wrong? Why are you crying? I ate a pepper, and it was too hot. I drank a whole barrel of water, but it did not help. My mouth is still burning. I need milk. Only milk will stop this burn. Come with me. I can give you a barn full of milk. Simpleton led the thirsty man to the castle. Then they went to see the king. My king, this man can drink a barn full of milk. Hmmm, we shall see. The king led them to a barn full of milk. The thirsty man ran to the barn and started to drink the milk. Soon, all the milk was gone. This is amazing! Ahh, that’s better. My mouth doesn’t burn now. Thank you for the milk. It was delicious. My king, now may I marry your daughter? No, not yet. You must do something else for me. Now you must find someone who can eat a mountain of bread. I will try. So simpleton went back to the woods.

He wanted to find the little old man again. But instead, he saw a third little man. The little man had a rope tied tightly around his waist. Excuse me, sir. Why do you have a rope tied around your waist? I am so hungry, and my stomach hurts so much. Then have something to eat. I did. I ate a whole bakery of rolls, but I am still hungry. Come with me. I can give you a mountain of bread. Simpleton led the hungry man to the castle. Then they went to see the king. My king, this man can eat a mountain of bread. Hmmm, we shall see. The king led them to a mountain of bread. The hungry man ran to the bread and started to eat. Soon, all the bread was gone.

I can’t believe it! Ahh, that’s better. My stomach doesn’t hurt now. Thank you for the bread. It was delicious. My king, now may I marry your daughter? No, not yet. I have one more job for you to do. Father, this is silly. Simpleton made me laugh. Then he found someone who drank a barn full of milk. Then he found someone who ate a mountain of bread. Let us get married. No, dear. This is the last test. I promise, simpleton, I want a ship that will sail on land and water. Give me this ship, and you can marry my daughter. A ship that will sail on land and water? I will try.

Chapter 5

Simpleton went back to the forest. This time, he found the little old man. Hello, simpleton. How do you like the golden goose? Oh, she’s wonderful, sir. We had many adventures. Seven people got stuck to her, so they followed me into the city. They looked so funny, that the princess laughed. The king said I could marry the princess if I did some things for him. First I found a man who drank a barn full of milk.

Then I found a man who ate a mountain of bread. But now I must find a ship that can sail on land and sea. Can you help me find this ship? Is that all? It will be easy. Suddenly, he thirsty man and the hungry man stepped out from the trees. Kindness brings good fortune. My friends and I will help you, because you sere kind to me. We are carpenters. You chop down some trees, and we will build your ship. This is wonderful! Thank you all so much. No, no, thank you. That was the best bread I ever ate. Simpleton shopped down many trees for the ship.

The three little men worked all night long. The next morning, the ship was finished. It’s beautiful. And it’s floating in the air. It can sail on land or water. Just what the king wanted. Welcome aboard, simpleton. Let’s go get your princess. Soon, the ship was sailing across the land to the castle. When they arrived, everyone came outside to se. My king, here is your ship that sails on land and water. Now may I please marry your daughter? Please, father. He did everything you asked. Oh, alright. Yes, you may marry my daughter. I hope you both will be happy. Simpleton and the princess were married that afternoon. And they all lived happily ever after.
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