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Snow white and the seven dwarves
Once upon a time, In a land thr away~ a king and queen lived in a
beautiful castle They had everything they wanted, except a child of their
own One night ,tile queen was sitting by her window. She was watching
tile snow fhll outside she looked up and saw a wishing star Starlight, star
bright, wishing star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have tile
wish I wish tonight. I wish I had a little girl with skin as white as snow,
with cheeks as red as roses, and with hair as black as night.
The next year, the queen got her wish she had a lovely little daughter
tier name was Snow white lhe king and queen were very happy
Everyone in the kingdom loved princess snow white
What a beautiful little baby girl Iler skill is as white as snow.
are as red as roses
Iler hair is as black as night ,with pretty curls she's adorable
Soon oiler Snow White was bom, the good queen died The king married
a new queen The new queen was very beautithl, but she was also very
proud She wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdmn. The
queen had a magic mim)r that answered ally question she asked Every
day, she asked the mirror the same question
Mirror ,mi~or on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Yuu are, my Queen
Are you sure?
Of couse, my queen .you know I always tell the truth.
Thank you ,mimm I'm very happy now
Many years passed ,and snow white grew to be a beautithl young wnnlan
IIer Gon/es the princess snow white look at her hair It's so long and thick
Yes ,and her eyes are always bright and happy She smiles at everyone
she meets
She is as gracefhl as a dancer. And she is so kind and gentle
Everyone loves her
But the queen did not love snow white She was jeakms of the princess'
beauty Then one day,
Mirror .mi~or on the wall, who's the fairest of them
Snow white is the fairest, my queen
What?! Never! I am the fairest!
I'n/ sorry, but I always tell the trnth You are very beautifill, but snow
white is more beautifitfl than you are
What call I do? [ know If I make snow white work hard, then she will
lnse her beauty. And I will be the hirest of them all
The queen called lor snow white
Snow white ,you are growing up Your days of playing are oven Now you
must workin the kitchen First, you will carry buckets nf water ~YOlll lhe
well Then, ynu will cook all out meals And then ,you will wash all the

dishes and scrub all the pots and palls
All that work? Every day?
Yes, every day Now go to the kitchen and get started
Snow white worked very hard all day long. She did eye.thing the queen
told her to do But the more snow white worked ,the more beautifill she
Mirror .mi~or ~ on the wall, who's the fairest of them all ?
Snow white is the fairesL my queen
Still! But l n/ake her do all that hard work
She is still more beautifill than you are
Then I'll n/ake her work harder
The queen called lbr snow white again
No n/ore kitchen work tbr you
}Iooray[ Thank you
Now you must work in the castle First you will scrub all the fit)ors in the
castle Then you will wash evel~one's clothes. Then, you will clean all
my jewelry
Oh. no~
Snow white worked very hard in the castle But the more snow white
worked , the more heautifill she Became The queen was very angl~
Finally, she had another ides. She called a huntsman
Huntsman, take snow white into the fbrest and kill hen Kill snow white?
But she is so kind and gentle
Ifyou don't kill her ,then I will kill you
When you are done* bring inc her heari Then I will know that she is dead
I hate to de it, but I will. [ must obey the queen.
That afternoon, the huntsman took snow white into the forest Snow
white loved the tall trees and pretty flowers. She chased butterflies and
sang with the birds iii the trees she looked so happy Tile huntsman did
not want to kill hen
Princess, the queen told me to kill you today, but I can't do it.
Why does the queen want to kill me? 1 don't understand
She hates you because of your beauty Please, princess ,run away and
never come back
Then you will be salb
I don't know where to go But
lbr saving my liik Good bye.
The huntsman killed a wild pig He took its heart to the queen The queen
thought it was snow whit e's heart Now she thought that she was the most
beautiful in the land

Chapter 2
Snow white ran and rail She did not know where she was or where she
was going suddenly, she saw a little house in the middle of a clearing. It
was a pretty house, but it was so small She knocked on the door. but no
one answered She opened the door and went in.
Is anyone home? please help me I'm lost My goodness Everything in
this house is so snlall The chairs are small The table is small. Even the
dinner dishes are small. This looks like a house for children she went to
the kitchen There was a pot of soup on the stove she was very hungry, scl
she ate a bowl of soup Then she went upstairs there she saw seven little
beds in one small bedloom She was very tired, and the beds looked so
soft and wann She lay down on tile beds ,and lhll asleep That night, tile
owners of the little house came home kan1 their work. They were seven
dwarves they looked like men, but they were only as tall as young
children They were miners who dug tbr gold and jewels in the hills
When they got home, they went to the kitchen tbr dinnetx
IIey! Who ate the soup?
I don't know. We just got back home
Maybe it was a thiel
Quickly! Search the house! You sealch the living roonl You search the
bedrooln We'll sealch the back yard
I fimnd sonleone He's asleep iii the bedroon/.
That's not a "he". That's a girl
Poor child Was she lost in the fbrest? Let her sleep
seven dwarves
Good morning ,young lady.
Who are you?
We are the seven dwarves. Thi~
you dong here'?
A ali/snow white Fill sorry I lei myself in I was lost in the fbrest
What were you doing hi the fbrest?
My stepn/other is the queen She is jealous of rile She tried to kill me ,so
I ran away But 1 don't know where to go
Can she stay with us?
Why do you want her to stay with tls?
I like her. I want to help hen
I want to help her. too
Snow white ,you can stay here, but you n/ust work fbr
do ?
I can clean. And 1 can cook and sew ,too
That will be perfect We need a good housekeeper.
Thank you so much I'ln sure [ will be safe here.
But snow white was not sal~ A few days later, the queen asked her magic
Mirror ,mi~or, on the wall who's the fairest of them all?
Snow white is the fairest, n/y queen. She is alive she lives in the tbrest
with the seven dwarves
No~ the huntsman lied to me Now 1 must think of a new plan to kill snow
white The queen was also a powerfill magician She made a magic potion
and drank it Suddenly, she did m)t look like a heautifill queen and more
She looked like a peasant girl then she cast a magic spell on a hair cmnb
This magic comb will kill snow white When she is gone, I will be the
most beautiful in the land
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