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The Beauty of a Shabby Little Dandelion(美丽的破旧小蒲公英)

《The Beauty of a Shabby Little Dandelion(美丽的破旧小蒲公英)》说明:

  Spring has come for the flowers and trees, in the forest and fields. Spring has also come on the wild flowers under the fence and on a small apple tree. There were red bursting flower buds hanging on the fresh apple tree branches.


  The apple Tree Branches were proud of themselves knowing that they were very beautiful. A Countess admired the branches, so she broke one of them off, held it in her hand, and she went back to her splendid castle in her wonderful carriage. The Countess put the branch among the fresh and green beech trees, and she smiled with satisfaction.


  The apple Tree Branch held up his head and looked at many kinds of people who came in and out. They all showed different reactions to the Apple Tree Branch. All the people reacted differently when they saw the Apple Tree branch. Some were expressionless without a word, some overpraised the beauty of the Apple Tree Branch, and others gazed at him with a satisfied look.


  Seeing these various reactions from people, the Apple Tree Branch realized that people have as diverse personalities as plants and flowers do and that they are all different. The Apple Tree branch looked at the fields and a garden through the open window. There were shabby flowers and plants as well as beautiful ones in the garden.


  'Those grasses are so pathetic. It's not their fault they have such ugly and squalid names. However, everything is different in this world.' The apple Tree Branch sympathized and looked at the little flowers blooming next to the fields and streams.


  At that time, the Sun kissed the Apple Tree Branch, a dandelion in the field, the abundant beautiful flowers, and the shabby flowers and said, "Yes, there is difference among everything, but throw away your prejudice and look ahead with a broad point of view. What do you think the poorest plant is?" "A Dandelion. People do not use it even for a bouquet, and it is so common that people trample it down carelessly. It is not different from a weed at all."


  At that time, children ran across the field, rolled about on the lawn, and picked and kissed the dandelions. They made necklaces and garlands of them. They looked wonderful with the golden flowers and green stems.


  The seeds stuck to the stalks of the dandelions, and they were as beautiful as white feathers. When the children blew out with a puff, the seeds of the dandelions fluttered away as if they had wings.


  "Look at that! Now, do you understand how beautiful those flowers are, and how much pleasure they can give us?" The Sun said to the Apple Tree Branch. "They are only for children." The Apple Tree Branch answered.


  At that time, an old lady dug in the ground of the field and picked the roots of the dandelions. She will make tea, take it to the doctor who makes medicine, and earn money with the roots of the dandelions.


  "But, beauty is more valuable than those things. Only elected ones can join the Kingdom of Beauty. Not every plant can be the same, just as people can't be the same." The Apple Tree Branch said.


  Later some people came into the room. The Countess who brought the Apple Tree Branch to the castle was one of them. She brought a stalk of dandelion seeds much more carefully than when she brought the Apple Tree Branch.


  "Look at this. Isn't this beautiful? I will draw a picture of this dandelion with the apple tree branch. Everyone says that the apple tree branch is more beautiful, but this humble dandelion has a different kind of beauty. Even though the apple tree branch and the dandelion look different from each other, they are all beautiful." The Countess said filled with admiration.


  The Sun smiled and kissed the shabby dandelion and the Apple Tree Branch. The Apple Tree Branch blushed his own petals with shame.


  fence n. 栅栏;围墙

  例句:He saw a figure near the garden fence in the moonlight.


  carriage n. 四轮马车;客车厢

  squalid adj. 肮脏的;污秽的;卑劣的

  例句:He toured India's engorged cities and squalid villages.


  dandelionsn. 蒲公英(dandelion的复数)

  flutter vi. 飘动;鼓翼;烦扰 vt. 拍;使焦急;使飘动

  例句:He heaved a great sigh that made the ends of his mustache flutter.


  humbleadj. 谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的

  例句:He was humbled by her good scolding.


  petals n. 花瓣;翼瓣(petal的复数形式)

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