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The Flower Greet the Spring(鲜花迎接春天的到来)

《The Flower Greet the Spring(鲜花迎接春天的到来)》说明:

  It was a very cold winter. The seeds of the flowers were crouching in a room under the ground. The room was comfortably warm. The seeds were all sleeping peacefully.


  One day, it rained mostly. The raindrops sank into the ground and woke up the seeds. "Wake up. Spring is just around the corner!" "Mm, mm..." The seeds moved their bodies slightly, but they did not want to wake up.


  Lovely spring was coming with big steps, and the sun was shining with a bright smile. The sunlight came through the underground and reached the place where the seeds were sleeping. "Ah, I feel itchy! I want to breathe in some fresh air." Finally, the seeds woke up and stretched.


  Spring rain came again, and it made the hard clod of soil moist and soft after it flowed into the ground. The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly. "Ah, I can't just sit down here any more!"


  When the seed swayed all her body, a beard-looking root started to come out from her brown body. The white root turned to light green andstretchedher root to the side where the sunlight was bright and warm. Finally, a new bud of the seed came out of the ground and reached out her shy face quietly.


  "Oh, how bright!" She blinked her eyes several times because it was too bright to open her eyes. Then, she closed her eyes tightly.


  "Pretty little baby, open your eyes slowly. You are going to be okay." The sun whispered with her soft voice to the seed sitting on top of a ginkgo tree. The spring breeze was blowing soft and fresh, and there was a joyful skylark's song. "Wow, what a cute little sprout you are!" The sprout became so happy, and she was no longer afraid of the bright sunshine.


  The sprout grew up well. The light green colored leaves grew darker and darker everyday. Soon, the new bud became a flower plant. And she bore a red flower bud. One day, the flower bud bloomed. It was a beautiful flower that looked just like the sun.


  dissolve v. 使溶解;使溶化

  stretch vt. 伸展,张开;vi. 伸展;adj. 可伸缩的;n. 伸展,延伸

  例句:To his amazement the girl did kiss her hand and stretch it out.


  sprout vi. 发芽;长芽 vt. 使发芽;使萌芽

  例句:These potatoes have begun to sprout.


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  • The Old Tombstones(旧的墓碑)
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