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23 My Evil Buddies and Me(摇滚版)

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儿歌名称:23 My Evil Buddies and Me(摇滚版)
飞哥与小佛 摇滚版歌曲
[00:04.39]Steppin' out with my brand new crew,
[00:07.20]Nobody's gonna tell us what we can't do
[00:09.98]Or where we can go, or what we can see
[00:12.81]In this town everyone will listen to me.
[00:17.47]My evil buddies and me!
[00:18.81](Shoop doo be doo doop!)
[00:20.46]Me and my evil friends!
[00:22.06](Shoop doo be doo doop doop doo!)
[00:24.21]When we're off together wreaking havoc,
[00:26.89]The fun just never ends.
[00:29.65]We're stealin' coins from wishin' wells
[00:32.59]We're cleanin' clocks and ringin' bells
[00:35.32]We're a rovin' pack of ne'er-do-wells, you see,
[00:39.98]My evil buddies and me!
[00:41.40](Shoop doo be doo doop doop doo be doop!
[00:44.22]Shoop doo be doo doop doop doo be doop!)
[00:45.99]My evil buddies and me!
[00:48.67]My evil entourage!
[00:52.19]If you see us out carousing,
[00:55.04]You better stay in your garage.
[00:58.04]We're perpetratin' misdemeanors,
[01:01.12]We're stealin' bags from vacuum cleaners,
[01:03.65]We're the jerks who stole all those wieners from that guy.
[01:08.28]My evil buddies and I!
[01:09.71](Shoop doo be doo doop doop doo be doo!
[01:12.44]Shoop doo be doo doop!)
[01:14.16]My evil buddies and I!
[01:15.29](Shoop doo be doo doop doop doo be doo!
[01:18.14]Shoop doo be doo doop!)
[01:19.69]My evil buddies and I!
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