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07 Christmas is Starting Now(圣诞版)

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儿歌名称:07 Christmas is Starting Now(圣诞版)
飞哥与小佛 圣诞版歌曲
[00:04.14]Grab some holly and mistletoe
[00:06.28]'Cause we're gonna go out tonight
[00:08.85]We're gonna bask in the electric glow
[00:11.30]Of a million little colored lights
[00:13.71]We've got a lot to do, before the dawn
[00:16.16]So with a mimimum of introspection
[00:18.60]I think you better put your mittens on
[00:21.27]Shake your jingle bell in my direction
[00:23.46]Sometimes I feel like a big snowman
[00:25.81]That's fallen under a plow
[00:28.34]But tonight I'm on top of the world
[00:30.70]We're gonna bring it around somehow.
[00:33.21]Christmas is starting now!
[00:36.03]Oh yeah, Christmas is starting now.
[00:41.27]That's right, Christmas is starting now
[00:46.37]Oh yeah.
[00:49.10]We gotta hang those stockings on the wall,
[00:51.24]This is no time for procrastination.
[00:53.79]We gotta trim that tree and deck the hall,
[00:56.29]That's gonna be a celebration.
[00:58.75]Just a few short hours till Santa comes,
[01:01.11]So get ready for the big finale.
[01:03.58]We're gonna dance our visions of sugar plums,
[01:05.99]And shake it like a bowl full of jelly.
[01:08.52]Sometimes I feel like a big snowman
[01:10.77]That's fallen under a plow
[01:13.31]But tonight I'm on top of the world
[01:15.65]We're gonna bring it around somehow.
[01:18.25]Christmas is startin' now!
[01:21.23]Oh yeah, Christmas is startin' now.
[01:26.42]That's right, Christmas is starting now
[01:31.22]Oh yeah, Christmas is startin' now.
[01:36.34]That's right.
[01:37.71](Musical interlude)
[01:58.51]Sometimes I feel like a big snowman
[02:00.88]That's fallen under a plow
[02:03.39]But tonight I'm on top of the world
[02:05.73]We're gonna bring it around somehow.
[02:08.40]Christmas is startin' now!
[02:11.95]Oh yeah, Christmas is startin' now.
[02:16.88]That's right, Christmas is starting now
[02:21.71]Oh yeah, Christmas is starting now.
[02:26.60]That's right, Christmas is starting now
[02:31.45]Oh yeah, Christmas is startin' now.
[02:36.43]Right now. Yeah!!
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